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Bisoprolol fumarate 5 mg 
June 20, 2012 08:21PM
Last year, I was able to ween off of Toprol XL,
Now, my E.P. Wants me on Bisoprolol fumarate 5 mg , I know it's
Another Beta Blocker, but can anyone offer any information
As to wether this is a good medication or not & what i may expect? I'm unfamiliar
With Bisoprolol fumarate 5 mg. I have read some info, but I find myself
Not wanting to begin another Beta Blocker.
Re: Bisoprolol fumarate 5 mg 
June 20, 2012 08:43PM
I tried Bisoprolol Fumarate (low dose 1.25mg) earlier this year - stuck it out for 3 months to see if it helped - prior to that a year ago had been put on Atenolol - issued by ER - but was completely zombified and cardiologist took me off it. Sadly the Bisoprolol actually made me slightly worse in that the period of time in between my attacks contained more ectopics, a few night time attacks, some uncomfortable after eating episodes and dropped my heart rate to 52/53. I've only recently weaned myself off them and now am back to relatively PVC free period in between my regular 11-12 day attacks, and I feel I have my energy back as my heart rate has gone back up to 56-60 (took a good 2-3 weeks to get back to this rate). I have a feeling I am abnormally sensitive to most medication and definitely a vagal afibber. Have decided that I'd prefer to have 11-12 days worth of feeling normal rather than feeling like a slug and fearing the slightest trigger. However as we all keep saying everyone is different and an experiment of one, it could be that Bisoprolol maybe good for you (I think I read somewhere that out of all the betablockers Bisoprolol Fumarate is one of the better and newer ones) - my opinion is it wouldn't hurt to try and you will know if it's not for you and can wean yourself off it again if you need to.
Re: Bisoprolol fumarate 5 mg 
June 20, 2012 08:59PM
Thank you Heather. I really appreciate the information.
Re: Bisoprolol fumarate 5 mg 
June 20, 2012 09:56PM
Ronny I have been on Bisoprolol 5mg for 2+ years, upto January this year it had appeared to keep me in NSR. Very little side effects unlike other beta blockers I have been on. 2012 for one reason and another has not been good year personally and I think stress has played a part, which resulted in having 4 AF episodes this year, 3 in the last 3weeks!
If I'm honest with myself I know alcohol plays its part with me. 10days without a beer, and all is good so far.
I think......I hope Bisporolol will be good for you, I'm sure it was, and will be in the future for me.....if I give it a chance!
Re: Bisoprolol fumarate 5 mg 
June 20, 2012 10:20PM

After my ablation in Bordeaux in Jan 2003 Prof. Haissaguerre put me on bisoprolol 5mg for three months. Several months after I stopped taking it, when I contacted him because I was getting a lot of ectopics, he said I could take it again if I wished, and if it made me more comfortable. He said (exact words) "It is like a shield for the heart".

I didn't in fact start taking it again because taking Waller Water, magnesium, potassium and taurine has made the ectopics so mild that I hardly notice them.

Re: Bisoprolol fumarate 5 mg 
June 20, 2012 10:33PM

Forgot to mention two things:-

1 My EP in London has given me instructions that if I ever get a recurrence of AF I should start taking Bisoprolol 5mg immediately and get myself to the hospital.

2 A year ago, after knee surgery, I had a reaction to a pain killer called Tramadol, whose listed side effects include palpitations. I was extremely worried because my heart beat was strange, though it didn't feel like afib, so I went to the ER. There the docs, who were not cardiac specialists, kept saying they were going to give me bisoprolol but were very busy and it didn't appear. I always carry some with me just in case AF should ever recurr, so I took 5mg of my own supply. My heart began to settle down soon afterwards. (When the EP consultant examined the ECGs later he said it was not in fact AF but just long runs of ectopics.)

I continued with 5mg for a few days, then reduced it to 2½mg, then stopped. Have had no problems since then.

Re: Bisoprolol fumarate 5 mg 
June 20, 2012 11:31PM
Thank you all very much. I feel more confident now.
You were all very informative and kind.
Re: Bisoprolol fumarate 5 mg 
June 21, 2012 03:11AM
Gill, just curious, but why does your doc want you to immediately go to the ER if you get an episode of AF?


So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
Anonymous User
Re: Bisoprolol fumarate 5 mg 
June 21, 2012 12:53PM
Gill, about tramadol, i have been taking it for several months now, 2 tabs morning and evening. Tramadol HCL 50 mg. During that time i have not had any afib nor any ectopics that i could notice. This stuff seems to be an artificial form of opiate, one which the body transforms to actual codeine once it is in the bloodstream. Do not let anybody tell you that it is not habitforming, altho several doctors have now told me it is not. Their information is outdated and very likely some drug rep told them this. Look it up for yourself like i did. I have tapered it off several times as the pain in the knees required. As a purely subjective view (this is just how it seems to me as a novice user), it seems to potentiate any sleeping medication that i take, including melatonin. To me, this seems like a good thing, altho someone else might not think so. Maybe it has some anti-inflammatory quality as well, because the lame knees seem to me to be getting steadily less painful, even tho i have now gone back to some light gardening. Best to you.

Re: Bisoprolol fumarate 5 mg 
June 21, 2012 04:13PM
I was on Bisoprolol 5mg gradually reducing down to 1.25mg. I had all sorts of side effects although they may have been down to my digestive problems and my Vit D defiency. My Cardiologist has told me to keep the 1.25mg as a pill in pocket type of medication in case of a bout of AF. Whilst using the beta blocker i was always in NSR but did get a few ectopic beats.
Re: Bisoprolol fumarate 5 mg 
June 22, 2012 08:40AM

I think it is because I am not on any blood thinners, so have a 48 hour window before I could get a clot. If I am travelling in some remote part of the world, as I often do, he told me to start injecting heparin after 24 hours if I couldn't get to the ER - then I could have an immediate cardioversion.

It has never happened yet, but after more than 9 years of nsr since my ablation I would want to get back into rhythm as quickly as possible.

Re: Bisoprolol fumarate 5 mg 
June 22, 2012 08:44AM

I stopped taking the Tramadol after two days, as soon as I realised that it made me nauseous and gave me palpitations. I then took Zyflamend and paracetamol instead. I had a knee replacement which is working fine so don't take any medication at all now.

Anonymous User
Re: Bisoprolol fumarate 5 mg 
June 22, 2012 09:38AM
Gill, it does not do me that way. Closest thing to a digestive upset is that it gives me a few minutes diarrhea sometimes, depending i think on whether i am very close to bowel tolerance on the magnesium.

Re: Bisoprolol fumarate 5 mg 
June 22, 2012 02:48PM

Thanks for clearing that up. The 48 hr window is pretty standard. I thought you meant "drop everything the minute an episode starts and go to the ER" kind of "immediate" .confused smiley


So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
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