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How many trips are typical for long-distance ablation?
June 19, 2012 10:53AM

I live in Knoxville TN and I am probably going to get an ablation at either 1) Cleveland Clinic (Dr Tchou) or 2) KU Medical Center in Kansas City (Dr Lakkireddy).

Cleveland is 8.5 hr drive and I would have to stay in hotels. Kansas City is 13 hr drive but I could stay with my brother, and I know my way around the city as I used to live there.

Those of you who drove long-distance like these to get ablations -- how many trips and days of stay were typical?

I know there is a first evaluation and the ablation procedure itself, so those count for at least two trips - but how many are there typically in total?

Also, any comments on these two doctors?

Thanks much.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/19/2012 12:04PM by gehauser.
Re: How many trips are typical for long-distance ablation?
June 19, 2012 03:31PM
I think you will get a wide variety of answers here, since so much depends on your Dr. and what he/she wants.

Although my ablation was in town, I think my experience would have been the same if it was out of town. I also think my experience is atypical.

1. Pre-evaluation
2. ablation
3. night in hospital
4. home the next day - felt great and could have traveled, but one extra night before travel would probably be a good idea.
5. follow up visit one month after ablation.

A total of three visits, and I am not sure that the follow up visit after one month served any purpose, but probably is a good thing to do.

Depending on what blood thinner they prescribe, you may have to do weekly Warfarin checks once home. I did this for one month and the Warfarin was the ONLY med I took after the ablation. So far (5.5 yrs.) and no returning afib.

Good luck, I hope yours goes smoothly.
Anonymous User
Re: How many trips are typical for long-distance ablation?
June 19, 2012 03:34PM
Hi GE,

I had a long distance surgical procedure (the five box TTM) so here's a few thoughts about that process. My surgeon, Dr. Sirak worked with my local EP regarding pre-op testing, so only one trip was required. I would think that your surgical EP would be able to coordinate a similar deal; also he should also be able to tell you how many nights to plan on staying when you have the procedure. All of my followup has been handled by my local EP; I have emailed Dr Sirak with several questions but this has worked out fine for me.

Regarding the doctors, when I was deciding what to do, I considered 3 doctors for the ablation route: Natale, Schweikert, and Tchou. From the research I had done, I couldn't find anything less than 5 star about these 3 (I don't recall Dr Lakkireddy so I cannot address him).

You will need an understanding spouse/partner. Frankly I think my wife enjoyed the hotel stay and she did the drive home (we were 7 1/2 hours away from Ohio State). Best of luck to you in whatever you decide.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/19/2012 03:36PM by FiveBox.
For out of towners that must fly or drive a very long distance Dr. Natale likes you to stay around the vicinity for 4 to 5 days after your ablation before flying home. Technically you could fly three days later if necessary, but the added day or two are for precuasion and jsut in case any follow up is needed in that early time frame.

In most cases you will be up and ready to leave the hospital the following day 24 hours post ablation assuming no edema or other issues.

Re: How many trips are typical for long-distance ablation?
June 20, 2012 01:31PM
GE - as EB mentions, Dr. Schweikert is an outstanding EP... was right-hand man to Dr. Natale when they were both at the Cleveland Clinic.
Now that Dr. Schweikert is in the Akron area, you could shave 60 to 90 minutes or more off your trip to the Main Campus CCF... Dr. Schweikert enjoys an outstanding reputation and if I were unable to get to Dr. Natale in Texas, I'd see him in Akron. Tom C (from Pensylvania) who posts here went to Dr. Schwiekert and was very pleased. If you come to Main Campus CCF and see Dr. Tchou, I know several people who have nothing but high praise for his work.

Another consideration that has been mentioned by those who drive home after ablations is to make frequent stops and walk around to increase circulation and to lower risk of blood pooling in the legs even though you'll be on an anticoagulant. I recall one ablatee who was directed to stop hourly during his drive home. May seem inconvenient, but nothing compared to a DVT.

I certainly wish you well wherever you choose to go.

Best to you,

I had an ablation done in Nashville on April 9 of this year at St. Thomas Heart at Baptist Hospital by Dr. George Crossley. I have been in NSR since the surgery without any flutters or irregular beats at all. I am due to go back for my first followup June 29. I live in Kingsport which is 90 miles northeast of Knoxville. Would love you talk to you either by phone or email if you are interested in hearing my experiences with the procedure and recovery. BTW I had a combination Cryo/RF ablation. I have an aquaintance in Nashville who is having the Cryo procedure done this Friday by the same group, different EP. I also know another person who is also in Nashville who had this done several months ago and has had perfect results so far.

Best of luck to you in your decision making process
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