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11-12 day afib cycle ?
June 17, 2012 05:03PM
This HAS to mean something?, why every 11-12 days, build up of something? some kind of body cycle ? What ?
Re: 11-12 day afib cycle ?
June 17, 2012 06:14PM

You may find this report of interest [afibbers.org] and also this Conference Room follow-up [www.afibbers.org]. My own cycle length used to be 12-13 days and I was subsequently diagnosed with primary hyperaldosteronism.

Re: 11-12 day afib cycle ?
June 18, 2012 02:50AM
yep I have/ had that too
Same thoughts a buildup then an eruption!
Re: 11-12 day afib cycle ?
June 18, 2012 03:21AM
I've never noticed any regularity to my episodes(they've gone from 2-3x a week to 6 months and more between, and from 18+hrs duration to a couple hours only), but even now, I can feel something building. I don't know what it is, but it's there. Sometimes I feel it building and I get a few warning bobbles and fortunately it doesn't get full-blown, but it's there.

Our bodies tell us much, if we just listen.


So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
Re: 11-12 day afib cycle ?
June 18, 2012 12:21PM
I think it may have something to do with gas build up. I found by accident that losec helped me. After having afib approx. every two weeks, I have now been episodes free for six week.
due to some side effects I am trying DGL.
Re: 11-12 day afib cycle ?
June 18, 2012 12:56PM
I had a regular interval between afib attacks of about 28 days. This went on from 1989 to 1998. Then I had major surgery for a split aorta after which the interval reduced to 10 or 11 days, but just as regular. This went on until 2004 when I was recommended amiodarone. I knew of its reputation but would have tried anything. It stopped the afib but I found that although I'd been prescribed 200mg daily I soon got the dosage down to one such pill lasting 4 weeks. I still nibble a bit each day but now suspect that the atenalol I take to avoid too much pressure on the joins in my aorta, may be more significant than the amiodarone in keeping afib at bay.
Mark S.
Re: 11-12 day afib cycle ?
June 18, 2012 01:23PM
Same here, Heather. The episodes occur every 7 to 9 days like clockwork, and have been doing so for the last three years or so.(I've been an a-fibber for twenty years). Even an ablation didn't break the intractable cycle. Nor has any lifestyle, dietary, or supplemental changes to date.The only thing I've noticed that tends to prolong my sinus rhythm (to 9 days instead of 7) is keeping decently hydrated and or maybe a little overhydrated. I would like to know what the exact hormonal/electrolytic feedback loop mechanism is.
Re: 11-12 day afib cycle ?
June 20, 2012 08:48PM
Thanks everyone, and thanks Hans, interesting reading - and its very possible my hormones are the culprits (I'm at that age). Adrenal burnout particularly is likely given the last few years (twice having to reapply for my job, etc etc).
Re: 11-12 day afib cycle ?
June 22, 2012 09:05PM
Oh, to have an episode once a week! I get a BREAK every 6 days. Even on Sotalol ( which keeps me in a torpor of low BP and low pulse rate) I'm still "skipping" away with an elephant sitting on my chest and am on that LONG waiting list to see an electrophysiologist sometime NEXT YEAR.
Re: 11-12 day afib cycle ?
June 22, 2012 10:33PM
Justfibbing. I had progressed from 2 day afib to seven day+ afib with 2 to 3 days normal between afibs over an 8 year span starting in 2002. I was put on a waiting list for ablation in ~ 07 and waited 3.5 years. The last year of waiting was full time afib. After the 1st ablation I had 14 hours of nsr. but my afib went back to paroxysmal. My second ablation came 10 months later. Different dr. but I was still in aflutter, abit more tolerable than afib but still not NSR. On april 2nd 2012 I had my third ablation. This one was done at Bordeaux Hopital Haut Levesque in France by Dr. Hocini. Finally Success. I am stil NSR having had no afibs but one short duration ( 5 sec.) tachacardia caused by drinking an ice cold beverage.

So, if you don't want to wait and you have approximately $23,000 Canadian. You can save yourself some time and frustration by going to the best ablation hospital in the world and have the procedure done by the best.


Re: 11-12 day afib cycle ?
June 22, 2012 10:41PM
Wonderful news Adrian!! I am just delighted to hear that all is calm!

Wishing you many, many more years of afib-free bliss,
Re: 11-12 day afib cycle ?
July 19, 2012 02:37AM
I was actually in the process of getting quotes from Mexico City when my call came from Victoria, BC. The best rate I've found outside of Canada is $14,000 at the Oklahoma City Heart Center (where they perform cryoablation) It's the same price in Mexico City, where my son-in-law's father had a very successful treatment by a skilled practitioner. In Palm Springs, CA, the same procedure costs $100,000. Apparently, California hearts are far more precious than those in Oklahoma.confused smiley
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