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anxiety after abaltion
June 09, 2012 01:02PM
Have any of you experienced anxiety during the healing process after the ablation. I had the second one on May 21st. Any suggestions? I would love to hear from you. I am taking Propafenone and that can cause anxiety in some. Thank you for your responses. Lynda
Doug L
Re: anxiety after abaltion
June 09, 2012 06:09PM
Very normal after Ablations... I had the experience of two. Your EP will not give you the prescription but your GP will (should) ask for a 30 to 60 supply of Adivan 1 mg. take one daily... this amount will not be habit forming.. over this period of time... You will sleep eat and walk better! This is what these drugs are used for.. take advantage when needed just as you would pain pills on a short term basis. Do not wait for that next Afib.. which may or may not happen but the anxiety is almost as bad,..
Anonymous User
Re: anxiety after abaltion
June 09, 2012 07:02PM
Hi Lynda -

Your IC magnesium was at the very bottom of the Exatest reference range (33.9, range 33.9 - 41.9) some time prior to your first ablation by Dr. Wharton last year. [www.afibbers.org] Do you have reason to believe this has improved?

The reason for asking is because low IC magnesium can be a definite cause of anxiety. Neural/ brain/ cardio functioning -- it's all electrical, and function can't be optimal if voltage isn't, and voltage can't be optimal if magnesium isn't. Of course it's much more complex than that, but that part is absolutely true.

Google "low intracellular magnesium" anxiety for 3 1/2 thousand results.

Best wishes! Erling.

From the Exatest interpretation guide [www.afibbers.org].

Determination of low tissue magnesium using the EXA test is vital to the objective treatment of depleted patients. Magnesium loss affects normal tissue and organ function while modulating transport of potassium, calcium, and phosphorus within tissues. Causative factors of Mg deficiency include diabetes, use of diuretics and digitalis, excessive stress, exercise, malabsorption, poor diet, alcoholism, and heavy metal poisoning. LOW magnesium has been associated with EKG and cardiac abnormalities, fibrillation, vascular and muscle spasms. Correlations with migraine headaches, asthma, eclampsia, PMS, and chronic fatigue syndrome are abundant in the medical literature. Low magnesium is seen in cardiac failure and prolonged QT syndrome. Neurological disorders, panic attacks and nerve irritability have been associated with low tissue magnesium levels.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/09/2012 07:12PM by Erling.
Re: anxiety after abaltion
June 09, 2012 07:22PM
To be honest, I have experienced anxiety just starting up on TIKOSYN and praying for continued NSR so that I can HAVE an ablation... I would think it perfectly normal, everything else being in order, to be anxious after surgery for a period of time. It has been five months on TIKOSYN for me and NSR 99.9% of the time I believe.... I am still anxious and will hopefully find relief after my six month recall and seeing if my left atrium has begun to shrink down making me a candidate for ablation..... for what it is worth.
Murray L

Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
Re: anxiety after abaltion
June 09, 2012 08:23PM
Thank you so much for your responses. It helps to hear from you all. Erhling, thank you for checking on my IC Magnesium. After that test, Ihad a number of magnesium IV infusions, I take 1000 mg of Drs Best Mag Glycinate daily. I have taken Magnesium for quite some time now. I have thought low magnesium was my issue, but I do not know what else to do. I have reached my bowel tolerance it seems. I will be going to a new GP on the 18th, so I will hopefully be able to find out more. Any other thoughts on the magnesium? Lynda
Mike Harris
Re: anxiety after abaltion
June 10, 2012 05:21PM

You might want to try the Transdermal Magnesium Spray available here:


You can use it in addition to the oral form (provided of course that your BUN and Creatinine kidney tests chek out OK).

John mcDee
Re: anxiety after abaltion
June 11, 2012 05:43AM
I havent had any operations, 1 year ago I had a stroke, Doc says it was AFIB which sent a blood clot to my head. After release from the hospital I was getting better, but seemed to have a lot of Anxiety and butterflys in my stomach.. Then I found this forum, Tried some natural suppliments, but still some anxiety, then I bought some Taurine pills.. I only take 1 500 mg cap between Breakfast and lunch.. its like a miracle.
my anxiety is gone.. I also take 3 250 mg of magnesium a day, fish oil, cherry tart for joints, 50 mg Selenium, C0Q10, and a Vit-C emer drink..

I just turned 61 years old today, I was out riding my Motorcross dirtbike today.. I feel good.. the young kids cant keep up with me.. (yet)
Re: anxiety after abaltion
June 11, 2012 11:26AM
Thank you for the newer posts as well. I have been taking Taurine for some time now. Glad it is working well for you . I cannot take the amount of Mag that you seem to tolerate. I too have the Transdermal Mag. It is good to have that. Thank you all. Lynda
Re: anxiety after abaltion
June 11, 2012 05:26PM
Cherry Tarts for joints? My god! I'm heading over to Starbucks or Tim's right now.... they have great cherry tarts and coffee.

Wife is suffering terribly with her joints and cannot seem to find any relief through normal medicine. We have been thinking about naturopathic medicine and even accupuncture.

Seriously..... what is it that you are taking for joints?

(Excuse the attempt at humour. If we can't laugh - we will surely cry. My cousin taught me that. He is a 20 year survivor of malignant melanoma and has undergone suregeries to remove tumours every couple of years for all of those 20 years, the likes of which you do not want to hear about. The last one was to remove a tumour located near his sinuses... they wanted to remove the top of his head...... the roof of his mouth.... his eyeballs..... you name it. In the end he met a surgeon that had much success simply busting the patient's nose, opening things up and removing the tumour. He had that about 4 years ago and hasn't looked back. He does his best to live, love and laugh each day. And he is a survivor thus far albeit on borrowed time.)

Thanks in advance.

Murray L

Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
John McDee
Re: anxiety after abaltion
June 11, 2012 07:00PM
Cheery tart suppliments, a friiend works in a health store, claims a lot of people like it, it was on sale so I bought 2 botles. , only says to take 1 a day.. I`ve been taking Glucosiomine and condrotiin pills, and fish oill for years.. I am not in a lot of pain, but being i still ride my Motorcross bike, and work construction, I take it for maintennce. I do notice the pain and stiffness slokwly sets in when I run out of Glu-condrution pills.

Good luck.. Did you ever think about trying the Eat right 4 your type diet.(Blood type). I did that too, Avoiding the bad foods for my type A blood.
Re: anxiety after abaltion
June 11, 2012 07:06PM

I used to get regular flare-ups of arthritis in one of the joints in my hand, so bad that I couldn't grip anything. Three years ago I started to take Honegar - a mixture of 50% apple cider vinegar and 50% unpasteurised honey, 3 tablespoons a day. Since then I haven't had a single flare-up and my hand works perfectly.

There's lots of information if you google it, including this:-

"Invented in 1959 by Dr. DeForest C. Jarvis, Honegar is exactly what it sounds like: a mix of equal parts honey and apple-cider vinegar. Jarvis drew his inspiration from the drinking habits of rural Vermont farmers, who he believed to be particularly healthy. While the unpalatable recipe failed to catch on (though there are modern-day devotees), the science may not be all bad: both honey and apple-cider vinegar contain a slew of important antioxidants and are folk treatments for ailments like arthritis."

Re: anxiety after abaltion
June 12, 2012 02:32AM
Tart Cherry juice is available at your local supermarket in the organic section. It's pretty expensive at around $4 per quart, which is only about 4 servings of 8 oz. It tastes pretty good once you get used to it but I never noticed any difference in joint stiffness relief. Walmart is one of the companies that sells it. The concentrate is probably your best bet because it costs less if you make it yourself.
Re: anxiety after abaltion
June 12, 2012 01:48PM
Lynda - have you had your adrenal function evaluated? If the adrenals are burned out, you'll continue to have anxiety and other symptoms because your body is not able to cope with stress. The salivary cortisol test "Adrenal Stress Profile" which includes DHEA testing by Genova Diagnostics is a good start. Then you'll know how to proceed with adrenal support through diet and supplements. I can appreciate your struggle as I was there a number ofyears ago. I had adrenal burnout and it took several years to regain function. Once you are in sympathetic overdrive continually, it's difficult to function well.

Re: anxiety after abaltion
June 13, 2012 01:22AM
Jackie, thank you so much for your input. It is always valued. I am going to a new GP on Monday and will ask for that test. Does Medicare pay for the Alcat test or do you know? Many thanks. Lynda
Re: anxiety after abaltion
June 13, 2012 01:10PM
Hi Lynda,
I am looking for a good EP and noted that you went to MUSC and saw Dr. Wharton. (it is less than 3 hours away for me) I would be interested in your thoughts about the facility and doctor. My cardiologist placed me on Multaq but that doesn't seem to work for me. Think I need to find a good EP. Thanks!
Hope your second ablation works out and you are AF free real soon.
Re: anxiety after abaltion
June 20, 2012 02:20AM
Murray, he is referring to 'Tart Cherry extract' not 'Cherry tarts' as in little cakes :-) .. Unfortunately so .... Only in a perfect world would a true 'cherry tart' be a universal cure for pain !!

On the other hand, Tart Cherry extract (available from many supplement brands such as 'Enzymatic Therapy') are a well known anti-inflammatory and powerful anti-oxidant as well as good for general all around pain reduction. Particularly of the arthritis kind.

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