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Updated guidelines for AF ablation competency - US and Europe
March 08, 2012 06:08PM
Talk given by Gerhard Hindricks of Germany a few months ago in Venice. For those in the process of selecting an EP for ablation.

Re: Updated guidelines for AF ablation competency - US and Europe
March 09, 2012 06:17AM

I couldn't get the link to work. However, if, God-forbid, I need an ablation, I want someone who not just "competent" but rather excellent, or superior! :-)


So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
Re: Updated guidelines for AF ablation competency - US and Europe
March 09, 2012 03:23PM
I normally use Chrome but the plug-in for seeing the video doesn't work with it. It showed up fine with Internet Explorer. I don't know if Firefox or Safari would work with it or not. In an ideal world, everybody will get someone of the caliber of Natale, Jackman, Hindricks, Jais, etc.. In the real world many will have limited choices so the guidelines tell us about training, equipment and experience. The other issue is that many of the top experts are near retirement and will go the way of Jackman. There are a handful of experts with 10000 procedures under their belt. A bunch in the 1000+ basket and then the vast majority under 1000 procedures and fellows coming up the learning curve. The guidelines examines the largest group. I think the salient point is that a young guy that does a 100 cases a year with 300 cases under his belt is probably a better choice than an older guy that does 50 cases a year with 300 cases under his belt.
Re: Updated guidelines for AF ablation competency - US and Europe
March 10, 2012 04:46AM
Interesting video CA much more complicated then I realized. FireFox doesn't work used IE.
My moms EP from Mt Sinai in New York told me to hold off on CA they are really making big strides in equipment and techniques.
Laser balloon catheters with direct vision are in development, touch catheters a must etc..... from what I read his boss Dr Reddy is doing trials with.....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/10/2012 04:47AM by McHale.
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