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Dry cough and itchy throat 2 weeks post ablation
March 04, 2012 10:03PM
I have dry cough 2 weeks after the ablation. It was not dry
right after the ablation. The dry cough is irritating when lying dow at night.
I went to ENT doctor he didn't see anything except white mucus in my throat.

I took the Benedryl and used Saline Sinus Irrigation to rise my nose ans throat.
I have not seen any lung doctor or chest X-ray.
It seems it's the throat that irritated. When I closed my mouth to breathe it's
less irritating than to breathe by my mouth.

Any idea about the dry cough after the PV abaltion or the intubation?


Can't answer your other questions, but I have a comment on your sinus irragation, do you use tap water to irragate with? I have just recently read not to use tap water but distilled water, there have been cases whereby using tap water and snuffing it up your nose has led to brain infection and death.

Re: Dry cough and itchy throat 2 weeks post ablation
March 05, 2012 04:33PM
Bill - the dry throat and cough after a procedure that involves intubation is not at all uncommon. It's an irritation that just has to heal....
You might consider using Organic Aloe Vera juice.

Re: Dry cough and itchy throat 2 weeks post ablation
March 10, 2012 02:09PM
Bill, a dry cough is due to a mild allergy which causes a slow mucous flow down the back of your throat, that you have mentioned you have. This can be relieved with regular Claritan.(not D), if you are able to take it you should get relief.
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