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Jon Sparkes
Pro Argi 9
February 13, 2012 11:17PM
Someone (I don't knwo very well) in Finland swears this stuff changed their life. They had alot of cardiac stuff going on beyond AFib but the claims for the product are so broad I am amazed to find that it has never been mentioned on any of these boards! Has no one tried it or even heard about it?
Re: Pro Argi 9
February 14, 2012 11:10AM
The key ingredient in this is L-arginine which has been discussed many times on the Forum. Some have used it with benefit; others, including myself, found it made things worse.

Re: Pro Argi 9
February 14, 2012 03:15PM
Arginine made my AF worse.
Re: Pro Argi 9
February 15, 2012 06:46AM
Beware of arginine - it can promote a shingles outbreak. I am speaking from bitter experience!
Re: Pro Argi 9
February 15, 2012 02:35PM
Jim - that's really unfortunate. It's always been known that taking single amino acids...especially in high doses...is not a good idea because they work as a team (in synergy). Unfortunately, those who Arginine zealots typically fail to mention that if one does take Arginine, then Lysine should be added as well. I believe some years back when we discussed Arginine here at length, this fact was mentioned along with several afibbers reporting they either had shingles or a recurrent bout of shingles as a result of high-dose Arginine.

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