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Party Food for Afibbers
February 05, 2012 11:39PM
I should have posted this earlier this week in anticipation of the Superbowl, but here goes, anyway.

I'm looking for recipes suitable for entertaining, but are still healthy for us and our unique needs. What did you do for this weekend's get-together that is tasty, and still healthy?

My contribution to this endeavor is:

Lemony Shrimp on a Stick
(Let's face it, food is more fun on a stick)

6 Small bamboo skewers soaked in water
12 large shrimp
1/8 c. lemon juice
3 T. Olive oil (Short cooking time, folks)
2 lg. cloves of garlic, crushed
1 T. cilantro, chopped
black pepper to taste.

Combine all ingredients (except the skewers ;-) for 30 min.

Thread two shrimp on each skewer, cook on grill pan or under broiler till just opaque.


Please contribute.


So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/06/2012 12:00AM by lisa s.
Anonymous User
Re: Party Food for Afibbers
February 06, 2012 12:05AM
A fine cookbook entry,thank you.

Murray L.
Re: Party Food for Afibbers
February 07, 2012 05:48PM
Where is this cookbook?

There is no such thing as 'party food' for aFibbers I have discovered. Almost anything you mess with is going to cause you grief and I heartily recommend sticking to a Paleo-like diet. The shrimp? I would check the salt content and even be wary of fresh shrimp. They will tell you that they are free of salt and preservatives but in my recent experiences I can tell you that the minimum wage highschooler behind the counter at the local grocery store neither knows the origin and processing of your shrimp, nor gives a hoot about same. To them, it makes no difference and everyone is 'invincible', as I am sure you know.

Preservative free on the package of anything you buy means that it is probably loaded up with salt or some other non-chemical agent to preserve it. READ LABELS and ASK QUESTIONS always.

Ordered plain grilled chicken; no spices, no salt, etc. at a banquet the other afternoon and the salt was well hidden. Subsequently spoke to someone that worked for the caterer and discovered that they used frozen, pre-prepared, pre-cooked chicken breasts. They were not loaded with salt but had sufficient to swell up my ring finger(s).

Be careful. Know your triggers.
Re: Party Food for Afibbers
February 08, 2012 03:42AM

You bring up a good point, although I beg to differ that enjoyable, fun food can't be healthy. winking smiley If you prepare it yourself.

Unless your fresh non-labelled meats are from a local source that you can trust to be minimally processed w/o added salt, you are better off with anything with a nutrition label in order to avoid added stuff.

The shrimp are a case in point. Upwards of 90% of people don't have access to fresh shrimp off the boat (which are likely live). Virtually all shrimp you see so beautifully displayed on top of the ice were frozen while still on the boat. Some are treated with salt (and other stuff), some are not. Once they thaw them and put them in the case, it is difficult, if not impossible to tell much more about it other than country of origin and farm v. wild caught (law in the USA). If you befriend your fishmonger, it is possible to ask to see the box the shrimp came from, which should have nutrition info on it.

I rarely buy shrimp from the case, but rather buy it from the freezer. It was already frozen w/in a short time anyway, why buy it thawed? Then you can choose a product which does not contain added anything.

My recipe has less than 120 mg. of salt for a three oz. portion and tons of flavorful fun.


p.s. If you search on the term "cookbook" you will find the entries. They are scattered throughout the forum(s), and I am always looking for new recipes.


So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
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