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Peppermint tea and palpitations
February 05, 2012 02:06AM
I had a very irregular and "sloppy" heart rhythm last night, which mercifully didn't turn into AF, so have been trying to think what may have caused it. I drank a very strong cup of peppermint tea just before bed time and wonder if it was that. I never drink peppermint tea usually so have just googled it to see if this is a side effect and some articles say yes it will cause palpitations and some say it will calm the heart down. So, anecdotal evidence either for or against would be helpful - has anyone noticed palpitations after ingesting peppermint tea ? Either way, this experiment of one won't be drinking it again, but your experiences would be interesting. Thanks.
Re: Peppermint tea and palpitations
February 05, 2012 05:02AM
Justine, I don't know about the palpitations, but peppermint will relax the LES (lower esophageal sphincter) causing refulx. This is never a good idea, especially late at night. Probably not a good idea for Afibbers in general, given the relationship between gastro-intestinal issues and AF.


So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
Anonymous User
Re: Peppermint tea and palpitations
February 05, 2012 05:15AM
I often drink peppermint tea, but have never gotten any palpitations out of it. With me it is a useful and pleasant decongestant, easy to get and easy to use.Several kinds of mints grow wild around my place, but the readymade teabags are cheap enough and very convenient. My brother recommended it to me years ago and i have used it every cold i have gotten ever since.
Re: Peppermint tea and palpitations
February 05, 2012 08:01AM
OK, so one for, one against - a draw so far. Thanks both.
Re: Peppermint tea and palpitations
February 05, 2012 02:41PM
Avoid eating or drinking anything close to bedtime,especially new pills or potions that you havn't tried before.
Re: Peppermint tea and palpitations
February 05, 2012 03:45PM
I agreewith Lisa... at least not at bedtime... I drink peppermint tea regularly but during the day or early evening only.
Not a problem for my heart... but I do use organic tea which may make a difference.
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