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Mom is in AFIB after aortic stenosis heart failure
February 02, 2012 02:42PM
Long story short a hell of three days calls me Tuesday morning with breathing problems so I rush over at 6:30am
Call 911 she is in respiratory arrest almost died but they saved her was on a ventolator for 24 hours but they removed it
before I arrived the next day. Fluid buildup on her lungs they thought was pneumonia but I knew it was stenosis.
She had the BAV procedure Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty last night and they opened her valve from .6 to 1.4cm pretty dramatic as they wanted to do surgery for valve replacement instead. Now she's in AFIB from last night first time this ever happened. I'm thinking the trama and Lasix that is used to eliminate water and salt from the body. Hope they cardiovert her rushing up to Mt Sinai now. Hope this is a one time event she alreasy is on high blood pressure diabetic and cholestrol meds and more.........she's 83 and I'm devasted right now.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/2012 02:47PM by McHale.
Re: Mom is in AFIB after aortic stenosis heart failure
February 03, 2012 04:11PM

I'm very sorry to hear about your mom. I'm sure it is scary as all get-out, as well as frustrating not to be able to fix her right up. Other than to agree that the trauma and diuretic probably did contribute, I don't have any advice for you, but if you were to repost this in the current forum (#9), others will see it and contribute their knowledge and support.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mother,


So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
Re: Mom is in AFIB after aortic stenosis heart failure
February 04, 2012 05:16AM
Thank You!
I'm still getting used to the new forum.
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