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Hans Larsen
Forum Change-over
January 20, 2012 08:49AM
The Forum change-over will take place today. Hopefully there will be no major interruptions, but it is likely that there will be a 1-2 hour period during which you can read postings, but not make new postings.

Please be prepared for quite a different look and additional safety features. I'll be tweaking things over the week-end to make the Board as attractive-looking and user-friendly as possible.


lisa s
Re: Forum Change-over
January 20, 2012 08:57AM

Thanks for the heads-up. I'm looking forward to the new bulletin board. I'm sure it will be great!


Re: Forum Change-over
January 20, 2012 09:36AM

Thanks for all your work!

Re: Forum Change-over
January 20, 2012 09:30PM
The change-over will be complete soon, but it sure looks like it will take a while to get used to the new format. I'll make sure I get rid of the spam prevention code feature as that seems to be cumbersome. You might be interested to know that the change-over was a combined effort between myself, my internet service provider and a database specialist located in Berlin, Germany. Brave new world indeed!

Re: Forum Change-over
January 20, 2012 10:52PM
I like the new format! light green is good.
Re: Forum Change-over
January 20, 2012 11:32PM
Thank-you Hans so very much for this informative forum. I have only posted a couple of times , but am always reading the posts. Thank Heavens for the knowledgeable people we have here, and all the work that has gone into informing each and everyone of us who have this most inconvenient and for a lot debilitating health issue .Through this forum I have learned to keep myself calm and ride it through.

Once again Thank-you, and this new look, is very refreshing .
Lou Toews
Re: Forum Change-over
January 21, 2012 12:21AM
I take my hat off to you. Being close to computer illiterate, I wouldn't have a clue how to put all of this together. About five years ago, my wife Pat and I had the pleasure of meeting you and Judi and spending a wonderful evening together. Sharing a bottle of Bordeaux wine together had a special meaning for all of us.
Thank you for everything you do. You are truly a gift to all of us.
Re: Forum Change-over
January 21, 2012 12:27AM
Hans - this is pretty darn neat... I haven't tried all the features but it looks very handy.

Love to be able to Bold, Italicize and Underline... It's all very convenient. Thanks so much.

Re: Forum Change-over
January 21, 2012 02:37PM
Thanks Hans. Looks good.
Re: Forum Change-over
January 21, 2012 04:26PM

I love the new look! The new color scheme is very nice. I'm sure once we all get used to the new features, we'll wonder how we ever got along without them. thumbs up

Thank you for all you do for us.


eta: that's supposed to be a thumb's up icon.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/21/2012 04:29PM by lisa s.
Re: "Reaction" to the Change-over
January 23, 2012 11:10AM

Thanks for making the site so much more pleasant and user friendly. Having the type bigger and more spread out will be welcomed by me and what I assume to be an older population of readers and posters.

[More personally: When I opened up the new site for the first time early one morning a couple of days ago, I nearly fell off my chair. Was I dreaming, gone through the looking glass, or through the closet door into Narnia?

The familiar appearance of our two Jack Russells indicating they were ready for their morning walk helped me establish my bearings, and to respond more sensibly to the change... which was positive along with everyone else ... with one exception:

Before, packaging options were limited, so that a person's post succeeded or failed by virtue of content alone*

And I am hoping the smileys won't be overused*

*Never let it be said that I can't find something negative about anything (you'll have to imagine a smiley here -- how about the one smoking a cigarette?).

A really shocking result of the change was that it made Jackie swear (well, sort of, her "dam" needs an "n"). I do hope this won't be repeated!(smiley here) , or if it must be, that there could be a "swearing smiley" for her and others to use.]

-- Dick
Re: Forum Change-over
January 23, 2012 06:33PM
Love the new colour scheme, really easy to read. I do miss the red 'new' buttons though.

I second all the thanks to you Hans. Even though I am now afib-free I still read the forum every day to keep up to date with all the latest research.

Re: Forum Change-over
January 23, 2012 06:46PM

The "new" flags will appear if you register and log in. To register go to "Create A Profile".

Re: Forum Change-over
January 24, 2012 11:28AM
Thank you Hans, 'new' flags are back.

Re: "Reaction" to the Change-over
January 24, 2012 08:04PM
Hey Dick - your eyes are worse than you think.... I didn't swear.. I used the word, DARN... 'cause I do know how to cuss and spell in print.\

winking smiley Jackie
Re: Forum Change-over
January 25, 2012 05:56PM
I have been following this forum since 1999 and have learned a lot from the posts. I am glad that the forum is continung. The only hitch that I see with the new format is that a visited post doesn't change color.
Re: Forum Change-over
January 25, 2012 08:16PM
Hans,when i go to "create a profile",i get this message:"The email address you entered is listed with a currently registered user. If you are that user, please login. Otherwise, please use another email address." Tell me what to do next, please?

Re: Forum Change-over
January 25, 2012 08:58PM
Hello Peggy,

I have "cleared the decks" for you. Please go ahead and create a new profile.
Re: Forum Change-over
January 25, 2012 11:42PM
Hans,it wants me to enter a password. Do i use "2sesame" or make one up?

Re: Forum Change-over
January 26, 2012 12:30AM

You can use whichever password you like, but I would not use 2sesame as it may cause a conflict.

Re: Forum Change-over
January 26, 2012 12:33AM
PeggyM Wrote:
> Hans,it wants me to enter a password. Do i use
> "2sesame" or make one up?

If you use that one, don't tell us. We're an unscrupulous lot. winking smiley
Re: Forum Change-over
January 26, 2012 08:49AM
ok,i should make one up then.
Re: Forum Change-over
January 26, 2012 08:56AM
Hans,sorry to be so much trouble. When i use my password to try to log in,i get this message:"That username/password was not found or is inactive. Please try again." Now what?
Re: Forum Change-over
January 26, 2012 08:23PM

I have re-registered you and sent you the password by e-mail. You should receive an e-mail from the Forum (automatically generated) asking you to confirm your registration. Once you have done that you should be good to go.

Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.

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