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Carol Andrews
Cortisone and afib
January 06, 2012 09:42AM
Without going into all the details, I am scheduled to have a cortisone injection in my knee or hip to try to determine the origin of the pain.

Is there any possibility that cortisone could trigger afib or cause other arrhythia problems?

The orthopedic is highly trained and respected, but was off-base about prescribing NSAI's to me a while ago. Ibuprophin definitely effected my heart.

Re: Cortisone and afib
January 06, 2012 12:37PM
I have had five cortisone shots in my shoulder and I don't attribute any of my afib espisodes to the shots.
Re: Cortisone and afib
January 06, 2012 02:07PM
I had cortisone in my knee twice and twice I went into afib for about 6 hours later in the day.. Other than the fluttering in my chest, I had no symptoms and cardioverted spontaneously each time before the next day.
Re: Cortisone and afib
January 06, 2012 06:07PM
I have had 3 shots into my knees over the years - not any problem.
Re: Cortisone and afib
January 06, 2012 10:07PM
Hello Carol, I recently had a cortisone shot in my knee. It was not as effective at reducing pain as the doctor claimed it would be, but it did not cause even a bobble in my heart rhythm.
Re: Cortisone and afib
January 07, 2012 12:08PM
I have had Cortisone as well for a shoulder injury several times and it was very effective as well ,it made no difference at all to the A/fib so dont give it a second thought just be pain free
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