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accupuncture & afib
May 11, 2011 08:44AM
Went to an accupuncturist a few weeks ago and discussed issues of afib. He said he wasn't really that familiar with it but said I could try some accupuncture treatments because they should make me feel better. Actually I feel fine. I have afib but very low pulse and heart rate generally and don't even know when I'm in afib. The accupuncture of course isn't covered by the insurance. Is this generally something that will help? Don't want to go, just to go. Especially since he didn't seem very knowledgeable about afib. Seemed like he dealt more with chronic pain issues. He also works with herbs but didn't mention trying any of them either. Does anyone have any thoughts? Anyone here who has found that accupuncture really helped them?
Re: accupuncture & afib
May 11, 2011 01:05PM

I tried accupuncture with an excellent practitioner in Sydney, Australia - he treated the Prime Minister! He said that he doubted it would work because my AF was long standing. He was right, it didn't stop the AF, but I did feel good after each treatment.


Re: accupuncture & afib
May 13, 2011 06:32PM
I don't know either, but I have an appointment with a popular Chinese acupuncturist tomorrow. I have no idea if it will help, just want to do everything I can do be in optimal health before my ablation.
Re: accupuncture & afib
May 14, 2011 04:21AM
Elena... while accupuncture is great to open up the meridians... I had 20 treatments by an MD who was also a DOM and it did nothing to change my AF. It wasn't until I optimized the intracellular magnesium and than added more potassium and taurine that I was able to see a difference. Jackie
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