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February 25, 2011 06:56PM
Ok...quick update. Saw the cardiologist today and he prescribed 120mg of Verapamil to be taken daily. Follow up visit in one month to see if there have been any more afib episodes.

Anyone taken this med before? Can't seem to find much online about it. The doc said it is also used to treat hypertension (which I don't have) but he said it's primary benefit is to keep the heart muscles relaxed so, even if one does go into aFib, it likely wouldn't be accompanied by runaway pulse rate like my first two episodes were.

I also started adding Mg to my supplement routine today.

I've got the education in a little over a week!
Re: Verapamil
February 25, 2011 08:58PM
Alan - good luck with this medication. I couldn't take it because of its severe constipation side effect.

Jim in Oz
Re: Verapamil
February 25, 2011 09:14PM

Are you taking magnesium? If so, you might be the first to report constipation while doing so. Without looking up your posting history, is that the only side effect you have had for this drug?



So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
Re: Verapamil
February 25, 2011 09:37PM
Lisa - I tried to take verapamil instead of atenolol with my flec pip. It didn't work for me because of the constipation it caused. I think that was the only side effect.

I take 800 mg (2 tablets) magnesium glycinate per day now after experimenting with higher doses. When I take more of the magnesium I get headaches and dizziness and have to back off - what did someone say about us all being experiments in one????

Jim in Oz
Re: Verapamil
February 26, 2011 05:41AM

So true about all of us being different, and our need to pay attention to what our bodies are telling us. It seems that I am constantly tweaking this or that to see if it helps or makes it worse. I try to change only one thing at a time (and small increments), if at all possible. Sometimes, I feel like I'm my own guinea pig :-)


p.s. what brand mag is it that you are using. I wasn't aware of any brand that came in 400mg tablets, and cutting down on the number of pills would be great!


So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
Re: Verapamil
February 26, 2011 12:16PM

It's SOLARAY magnesium glycinate from Iherb.


Please let us know how you go with the Verapamil.

Jim in Oz
Re: Verapamil
February 26, 2011 01:14PM
Solaray magnesium glycinate

4 capsules = 4oo mg magnesium


lisa s
Re: Verapamil
February 26, 2011 07:21PM
Thanks, Erling,

It is always important to know what the serving size is.

The labeling isn't always straightforward. This goes for both food and supplements.

The food manufacturers want you to think (assume) the serving size is larger, but has less to it, and the supplement manufacturer wants you to think (assume) that it has much more to it than it does. It would be nice if some of them (the supplement guys, anyway) would just say this pill has "X" in it instead of hiding behind "serving size".

There is much more to reading the label than just reading the label.


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