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Eliquis 2.5 & some possible supps ok?

Posted by Madeline 
Eliquis 2.5 & some possible supps ok?
February 09, 2023 10:59PM

I got my Watchman 1/31/23. I am now on reduced Eliquis of 2.5 mg BID.

I have been taking turmeric (a curcumin complex) of 650 mg a day. In the past my cardiologist okayed this. I am wondering about some other supps.

I already take Nordic Naturals cod liver oil 1 tsp daily.

I like to take some things for Alzheimer preventive such as Ginkgo biloba 120 mg a day - used to take it, but stopped while all the afib/fluttter going on, but am wondering about resuming before my pills expire April 2024.

I also used to take a DHA/EPA pill of 500 mg DHA (it has been so long now - since 2018 - that I am not sure what I will find), but it too was recommended in the Grain Brain book at even 1000 mg daily, though I just took 500 mg.

Not sure if the ginkgo & dha in addition to the others I mentioned that I never stopped & the Eliquis are okay together or even necessary.

I will write my Natale team later after I may get some input here, as I know medical may not be able to advise me a lot about all the supps.

Re: Eliquis 2.5 & some possible supps ok?
February 10, 2023 01:25AM
Don't overcomplicate it. You have a Watchman now. It's a simple, inert device that seals off your LAA. It doesn't care about any of the supplements you take. That's not to say your supplements might not be harmful in other ways, but I don't think any of them will have any interaction with your Watchman.
Re: Eliquis 2.5 & some possible supps ok?
February 10, 2023 02:20AM
Don't overcomplicate it. You have a Watchman now. It's a simple, inert device that seals off your LAA. It doesn't care about any of the supplements you take. That's not to say your supplements might not be harmful in other ways, but I don't think any of them will have any interaction with your Watchman.

Thanks, Carey, but what I meant was since I was still on Eliquis, but reduced from 5 mg to 2.5 mg, could I now add back in the DHA & Ginkgo if I decided they were called for still. I did not mean any interactions btw these & the Watchman. smiling smiley
Re: Eliquis 2.5 & some possible supps ok?
February 10, 2023 02:53AM
Ginkgo biloba Is a supplement for some that can possibly trigger afib. It might had triggered my second episode of afib six months after my initial episode. My cardiologist shook her head and said it was Ginkgo biloba that contributed to my episode. My second episode happened during an outpatient surgical procedure and the doctor went in without any anesthesia- I should had had something because it was raw pain. So who knows if Ginkgo biloba was the culprit but my cardiologist at the time thought so.

I agree with Carey advice, as he is pretty spot on.
Re: Eliquis 2.5 & some possible supps ok?
February 10, 2023 07:27PM
I wouldn't add any supplements until you've had your 6-week TEE and been declared problem free. The trouble with supplements is the people who produce them and sell them won't pay to study them, so what they interact with and how is often little more than a guess.
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