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Covid19 vaccines in San Antonio Texas

Posted by susan.d 
Covid19 vaccines in San Antonio Texas
December 30, 2020 07:06PM



If you are 1b (75 and older)

If you live nearby I thought it’s worth sharing.

I’m waiting for 1c to be available but I have to compete in California with homeless, prisoners and lawyers and judges...believe it or not.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/30/2020 07:32PM by susan.d.
Re: Covid19 vaccines in San Antonio Texas
January 01, 2021 08:37PM
Elon Musk essential worker too.
Re: Covid19 vaccines in San Antonio Texas
January 01, 2021 09:46PM
Teachers, judges, lawyers, food services, homeless and those in prison will get their vaccine before the general population.. teachers should get it I agree to protect children....I don’t see how self contained prisoners should get it before honest law abiding citizens.
Re: Covid19 vaccines in San Antonio Texas
January 02, 2021 02:36AM
I don’t see how self contained prisoners should get it before honest law abiding citizens.

There is a state prison near where some friends live. It is in a rural area. A few weeks ago, ~40% were positive. Problem is the guards can get it, too. Then go home and give it to their families and friends. The area was relatively "clean" then the prison blew up and the whole county did too.
Re: Covid19 vaccines in San Antonio Texas
January 26, 2021 05:25PM
Prisons, group homes, homeless shelters -- all these places are major incubators for respiratory diseases like COVID due to the close quarters. Let COVID get going in places like that and they'll become major super-spreader sources in the community.

It may not seem fair to inoculate people like prisoners first, but it makes perfect sense and will be more effective at reducing your chances of contracting COVID than delaying those people and watching all the prisons and group homes become festering sources of disease.

As for teachers, they need to be high priority to protect themselves and their own families from the children they teach. The children are at very little risk from COVID and should be lowest priority, if they ever receive it at all. The vaccine isn't approved for use with patients under 16.
Re: Covid19 vaccines in San Antonio Texas
January 26, 2021 10:08PM
Well I was able to find a moderna vaccine for phase A tier 3 so all is good. I know a lot of people in California unable to get vaccinated. I sort of feel perhaps they may benefit if Pfizer and moderna quickly develops a new vaccine to include the UK, S African and Brazilian strains by the time they get vaccinated. Unfortunately more strains may mutate and instead of two doses we will have to get frequent doses similar to the yearly flu vaccine.
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