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Covid19 vaccine-long term side effects?

Posted by susan.d 
Covid19 vaccine-long term side effects?
December 09, 2020 03:25AM

Would you take it now if offered or wait until the side effects are better known?
Re: Covid19 vaccine-long term side effects?
December 09, 2020 11:36AM
Problem is. Will everyone have a choice. I've already seen people claiming that not only can an employer require you get it. Some have already told their employees they will have to..

Now weather or not this will come to fruition has yet to be seen.
Re: Covid19 vaccine-long term side effects?
December 09, 2020 01:41PM
If you are retired and have no employer pressure, would you take the first batch offered or wait to see the side effects—especially possibly the side effects that may exacerbate those who are seniors? I don’t know if they are currently testing seniors or those with health issues during their trials to get the FDA to fast track it through. Plus you need two doses-three weeks apart. What if they run out of your required second dose?

I want the vaccine so I can finally leave my house and enter a store-instead of curbside or delivery. I just want to see how seniors or those with health issues react to the second dose.
Re: Covid19 vaccine-long term side effects?
December 09, 2020 02:08PM
Yesterday during examinatoins I had an opportunity to make personal limited random non peer reviewed but woth sharing survey as one of the respondents was my Cardiologist, a senior, and the other was my wife's Pulmonologist, in his 30's.

Both said they would fight each other to be first in line to get the vaccine.
Re: Covid19 vaccine-long term side effects?
December 09, 2020 04:13PM
Shoemakers kids go barefoot. How many doctors do you know that are lax when it comes to their own care?

If offered I would take it as long as it’s not on a Friday because if the side effects. I don’t mind the painful site injection area. No big deal. It’s the chills, high fever and covid feeling I am not looking forward to. And how will I temporarily feeling sick affect my recent wonderful nsr ablation?

I don’t go inside stores and do curbside and deliveries instead. I do want to start shopping at markets and flying to see family so I want the vaccine for that reason. it’s been 268 days since I stepped into a retail store except for one 8am Cvs flu shot appointment and the pharmacy was empty. It’s time for the vaccine.
Re: Covid19 vaccine-long term side effects?
December 09, 2020 09:15PM
Don't think I will take the vaccine, I have never taken the flu shot. There are some drugs that have helped eliminate the virus, so I would rather go that way. President Trump and his family had the virus and are fine, a few on his staff have tested positive and have taken meds and are OK. If you keep your immune system up by taking Vit. C, A, vit. D and zinc that will help greatly. Bill Gates is very gleeful about this vaccine, counting all of his money that he will get from the sale of these vaccines, I wonder if he will get the shot.
Re: Covid19 vaccine-long term side effects?
December 09, 2020 10:55PM
Around here they are talking about healthcare and nursing home people getting them first. With most of the old folks already having health issues, they will likely suffer the most.
Re: Covid19 vaccine-long term side effects?
December 09, 2020 11:41PM
UPMC of Pittsburgh announced yesterday that at this time they would not be requiring their employees to get the vaccine. They have had a measured response to this entire thing from the beginning.

Also, to get a vaccine that the long term side effects are unknown. That doesn't necessarily keep you from getting Covid or spreading it makes even less sense. Add to that one of the side affects, though rare, is ventricular Arrhythmia.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/10/2020 12:46AM by rocketritch.
Re: Covid19 vaccine-long term side effects?
December 09, 2020 11:57PM
Around here they are talking about healthcare and nursing home people getting them first. With most of the old folks already having health issues, they will likely suffer the most.

Bit premature to worry about adverse effects in older people? Lets wait and see what happens in the UK, by year's end they will have 5 mil vaccinated.
Re: Covid19 vaccine-long term side effects?
December 10, 2020 01:36AM
They are having some side effects to the vaccine in Britain

Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) confirmed on Wednesday that it is deploying “resuscitation facilities” in coronavirus vaccination centres following the revelation that two healthcare workers suffered anaphylactoid reactions after receiving the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine on the first day of rollout.

Following the adverse reactions experienced by the two healthcare workers, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) issued “precautionary advice” which said that people who have a “history of a significant reaction” to medicines, foods, or vaccines should avoid taking the coronavirus vaccine.
Re: Covid19 vaccine-long term side effects?
December 10, 2020 03:50AM
They are having some side effects to the vaccine in Britain

Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) confirmed on Wednesday that it is deploying “resuscitation facilities” in coronavirus vaccination centres following the revelation that two healthcare workers suffered anaphylactoid reactions after receiving the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine on the first day of rollout.

Following the adverse reactions experienced by the two healthcare workers, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) issued “precautionary advice” which said that people who have a “history of a significant reaction” to medicines, foods, or vaccines should avoid taking the coronavirus vaccine.

I wonder if any of the binders are seafood derivatives. I’m allergic to that.

Thanks Liz about the adverse reactions. I am home so the only time I see another human (other than my gardener and husband) is the monthly run to the drive thru pharmacy (glass wall) or rare doctor appointments or curbside pickup. So exposure is controlled. I just want to fly and see my family. I won’t do that until it’s safe. So how efficient is the vaccine is one can still spread covid19?
Re: Covid19 vaccine-long term side effects?
December 11, 2020 02:55AM
Horrible side effects in the Pfizer trial !!!!!

Spoiler alert - this was in the control group that took saline. LMAO

Eo0bNebUYAEI36E by Mark Dandoy, on Flickr
Re: Covid19 vaccine-long term side effects?
December 11, 2020 03:51AM
My son talked to his friend who runs a bunch of nursing homes. He said there is no date yet for his elderly patients to get the vaccine. He thinks March or maybe February. Gives us time to see how the UK is reporting side effects before getting jabbed.
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