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Sleep 'cleans' the brain of toxins

Posted by Todd 
Sleep 'cleans' the brain of toxins
October 19, 2013 02:30AM
The brain uses sleep to wash away the waste toxins built up during a hard day's thinking, researchers have shown.

The US team believe the "waste removal system" is one of the fundamental reasons for sleep.

Their study, in the journal Science, showed brain cells shrink during sleep to open up the gaps between neurons and allow fluid to wash the brain clean.

They also suggest that failing to clear away some toxic proteins may play a role in brain disorders.
Read more about it.

Re: Sleep 'cleans' the brain of toxins
October 20, 2013 02:28PM
Thanks for this link, Todd - My current research focus mainly on Brain Health as I have watched two friends slip into dementia starting in their 60's.... and progress to the point where one has Stage 7 Alzheimer's Disease at age 68 and the other,also 68, with severe memory impairment that is worsening rapidly - now in 'day care' and on the list for permanent residency. For both spouses, the situation is emotionally and financially devastating. I am convinced that diet and environment are huge influences in their cases. Both extremely smart, active, slim, viable women... became brain vacant in a matter of 4 - 5 years. Sad and tragic for everyone.

Re: Sleep 'cleans' the brain of toxins
October 25, 2013 02:58PM
Jackie, I have heard and read a lot about coconut oil being used for Alzheimer's Disease and wonder what your thoughts are. I talked to a friend who's mother has Alzheimer's and she said she was taking it and her memory DID improve; but her Dr. took her off it because her cholesterol was going up. I thought cholesterol came from animal fat (?). I do not know anything about her other health issues, though.

Re: Sleep 'cleans' the brain of toxins
October 25, 2013 10:25PM
Louise - coconut oil is very healthy.

If you do a search on cholesterol here in the past post archives... there have been many reports posted on why Cholestrol is not the Enemy... but oxidized cholesterol most certainly is. Most doctors don't get to the next level of understanding exactly why we need cholesterol for health... as it's a major source of substrate for steroid hormones. When we can't produce hormones, everything suffers.

Try a Google search at the Weston Price Foundation for Cholesterol...and also pay particular attention to the report by Uffe Ravnskoff, MD PhD, titled The Cholesterol Myths..

Scan this Google: [fficial&client=firefox-a&channel=fflb" rel="nofollow">www.google.com]

When I have a minute, I'll try to dig up others for you. Encourage your friend to keep using it for her mother with AD...anything that benefits is most useful as these patients are in big trouble. Tell your friend not to allow her mother to use a statin drug.

Anonymous User
Re: Sleep 'cleans' the brain of toxins
December 13, 2013 07:50PM
Night time during sleep is when the body detoxes and cleans house.
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