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Since the start of Covid19 we've been advised (and I've been doing) taking temps and looking at spO2 levels or doing a Roth test [www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov] if you don't yet have a $9 spO2 meter.

It turns out that flipping a coin will give you better accuracy than taking someone's temp. But if you look at the re-open guidelines, taking temps is being advised as if it was the golden gateway to ensure that someone doesn't have Covid19.

Laughable that the world will now be scanning peoples foreheads as a testing measure while 2/3+ of the SERIOUSLY SICK ONES don't even show a temp.

Extrapolate those numbers out - maybe 90% + of people with Covid 19 don't have a temp.

In a study of 5,700 patients, 69.3% of patients with covid-19 did NOT have a fever.

Re: Study of 5,700 patients, 69.3% of patients with covid-19 did NOT have a fever
April 25, 2020 07:05PM
Some of my friends who think they've had it (includes a surgeon whose anesthesiologist tested positive) have had very variable temps, but typically not extremely high.

At the beginning of this, my wife and I started testing SpO2, temp 2x a day, just for baseline. We live at 5,500' and SpO2 will drop with elevation. Prior to stay at home orders, I spent a lot of time at elevations up to 13,000'. I also test pulse wave velocity, heart rate and HRV during sleep, BP. I also do a breathing exercise to increase my tolerance for serum CO2. I use a Frolov device, basically a rebreather to increase the CO2 on each breath a bit. In my case, I do two breaths a minute. I can tell if my breathing is off, as I can't do the full 30 seconds for a breath. A friend, who thought he had COVID, saw an early warning in his HRV & heart rate (may not be useful if you are in afib).

The first step of my plan, upon seeing a signal, would be to do 150,000 iu's/day (per my doc, but may not be good for all afibbers) for 3 days plus up my vitamin C intake to bowel tolerance in at least 4 divided doses.
Re: Study of 5,700 patients, 69.3% of patients with covid-19 did NOT have a fever
April 26, 2020 08:20AM
Some of my friends who think they've had it (includes a surgeon whose anesthesiologist tested positive) have had very variable temps, but typically not extremely high.

At the beginning of this, my wife and I started testing SpO2, temp 2x a day, just for baseline. We live at 5,500' and SpO2 will drop with elevation. Prior to stay at home orders, I spent a lot of time at elevations up to 13,000'. I also test pulse wave velocity, heart rate and HRV during sleep, BP. I also do a breathing exercise to increase my tolerance for serum CO2. I use a Frolov device, basically a rebreather to increase the CO2 on each breath a bit. In my case, I do two breaths a minute. I can tell if my breathing is off, as I can't do the full 30 seconds for a breath. A friend, who thought he had COVID, saw an early warning in his HRV & heart rate (may not be useful if you are in afib).

The first step of my plan, upon seeing a signal, would be to do 150,000 iu's/day (per my doc, but may not be good for all afibbers) for 3 days plus up my vitamin C intake to bowel tolerance in at least 4 divided doses.

150,000iu of D3? Or A George?
Re: Study of 5,700 patients, 69.3% of patients with covid-19 did NOT have a fever
April 26, 2020 12:42PM
150,000iu of D3? Or A George?

Yep, for a long time, Gundry has suggested we take 3x50,000 iu's of D3/day for three days at the first inkling of an illness. I've done it without negative repercussions for a number of years. My positive experience is it works the best the sooner you start after noticing anything is amiss. It seems to dramatically lower the intensity of a cold. Also, if I start to get something, my wife will start also, and has avoided the bug completely. Gundry is still seeing patients in person and has a variation of this: D3+C to keep himself healthy as he meets patients. He's well aware this is counter to common recommendations. He said he had some patients early on in his "longevity" practice who intentionally kept their 25OHD levels around 250 ng/mL. He was shocked, but subsequently investigated and has said he's yet to see toxicity in his practice. Now some of the afibbers here might care to disagree. He's seen great benefits for folks with autoimmune illness, which represent a large part of his practice. He says he keeps his level around 120 ng/mL. Mine generally runs around 100-120 ng/mL. I've had lifelong (literally) autoimmune issues and they've improved ~85% under Gundry's care (primarily diet). One thing I've noticed subsequent to raising my level to and above 80 ng/mL is I don't sunburn. I can ski at 12,000' in only shorts in March and April (not this year) without burning. Likewise rock climbing all day in the summer at 7,000'. My dermatologist says my skin looks excellent. I tell him I do everything inverse of what his profession suggests - no sunscreen and spending a lot of the sun.

I do consume cod liver oil for my A intake.
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