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RBC and Spectra cell magnesium
October 23, 2014 06:39AM

I remember having a spectra cell magnesium test years ago[I hope I got the spelling correct. If not please excuse].

It was a lot more complicated than a simple RBC. Assuming it is more accurate will it really make a worthwhile difference?

Could my RBC say I am in the higher part of the range and my spectra cell say I'm substandard?

My concern is not the absolute accuracy but whether it can change the decision-making process of what to do.


Re: RBC and Spectra cell magnesium
October 23, 2014 06:55PM

I have a Holistic doctor and he uses the RBC test, I asked him about the Exact test, which is said on this board to be the best, my doctor told me that he had used the test and found it not to be accurate, so that is good enough for me.

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