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A clue!
August 12, 2014 06:34PM
I've suspected that the heart is being starved of something during arrhythmia; now here is a reason why.
From: [curezone.com]

I was almost certainly hypothyroid, fixed by doing the iodine protocol and no longer fear heart problem(s).
Easily chilled, but now it's like there is summer inside in winter. Enzymes rule!

"Hmm, not thyroid related directly IMO, rather enzyme related; and the enzymes need a good body temperature to work; here the thyroid comes in.


"Interestingly, enzyme activity is strongly affected by heat. Raising body temperature by one degree can result in a tenfold increase in the activity of some enzymes. This would allow a tiny amount of enzyme to break down all the foreign food proteins ingested before they could cause symptoms. Therefore, I maintain that a mercury-induced deficiency of digestive enzymes and a mercury toxic liver that does not filter out the foreign proteins in the blood are important factors in food allergy. These foreign proteins circulating in the bloodstream trigger the guard cells to close off blood flow to the capillary beds. This reduction in blood flow starves the cells of the body, including the heart muscle, of oxygen. Less ATP energy is produced, so the heart muscle has insufficient energy to maintain normal activity. Blood flow and blood pressure will drop as a consequence. Warming the body by one degree will increase circulation and, more important, can increase enzyme activity tremendously. This enables the liver to filter the foreign proteins out of the bloodstream, enzymatically break them down, and stop an allergic reaction in its tracks."
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