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Black pepper - more health benefits than you know!
June 30, 2014 03:22PM
Never been a big fan of Black Pepper, but this sounds great if its halfway true. Dig a little deeper.

Here is a list of its top 10 benefits.

Helps prevent cancer
Helps in digestion:
Helps you lose weight:
Relieves Gas
Can give you clear skin:
Beats dandruff:
Clears up a stuffy nose and relieves cough
Helps people with anorexia:
Helps the body use nutrients more efficiently
Is a natural anti-depressant


A little bit of disclaimer about Black Pepper
But black pepper can be an irritant of the GI tract, urinary tract, and prostate, and I don't think it should be consumed frequently in quantity.
More Black Pepper Cautions sites

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/01/2014 04:12AM by Todd.
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