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Why eating organic is important
May 07, 2014 03:04PM
GMO Update-Vermont Passes GMO Labeling Bill and Stands Up to Industry Bullying as New Research Confirms Safety Concerns

Story at-a-glance
• A recent study found that all Roundup Ready soybean samples contained residues of glyphosate. Meanwhile, no residues of either kind were found in the conventional non-GE and organic varieties

• In terms of nutrition, organic soybeans contained slightly higher levels of protein and lower levels of omega-6, compared to both conventionally-grown non-GE and GE soy

A large portion of the GE soy grown actually ends up in your meat, as soy is a staple of conventional livestock feed. Much of the rest ends up as vegetable oil, used in processed foods and fast food preparation

• Vermont has passed the first no-strings-attached GMO labeling bill (H.112). The new law will require any genetically engineered food sold in Vermont to be labeled by July 1, 2016

• Vermont is establishing a state defense fund to pay for legal costs associated with defending the law against any legal challenge by the food industry

Why Glyphosate Contamination Matters

Nearly one BILLION pounds of Roundup are used each year for conventional crop production around the globe, but genetically engineered (GE) crops see some of the heaviest use. This is especially true for Roundup Ready crops, which are designed to withstand otherwise lethal doses of this chemical.

The issue of glyphosate contamination is well worth considering if you value your health. Recent research suggests glyphosate may in fact be an instrumental driver of many chronic diseases, and in my view, avoiding glyphosate is a majorreason for buying organic, in and of itself.

Labeling GMOs could help you select products that are less likely to have heavy contamination, although you'd also avoid many other hazardous chemicals used in conventional farming by opting for products labeled 100% organic.

It's important to understand that these glyphosate residues CANNOT be washed off, as the chemical is actively integrated into every cell in the plant. Dr. Don Huber, who is one of the most prominent scientific experts in plant toxicology, firmly believes glyphosate is FAR more toxic and dangerous than DDT. A number of other studies have raised serious questions about the safety of glyphosate, including but not limited to the following:

• Research published in the International Journal of Toxicology7 in January revealed that glyphosate-based formulations like Roundup pose a threat to human health through cytotoxicity and oxidative effects. Such formulations were also found to be lethal to human liver cells

• A 2012 study8 found that 3 ppm of Roundup in water induced morphological changes in frogs

• A German study9 on poultry, published in 2013, showed that glyphosate tends to be more harmful to beneficial gut bacteria like Lactobacillus, while pathogenic bacteria like Salmonella entritidi tend to be largely resistant to the chemical. Subsequently, the microbial balance tends to shift toward pathogenic overgrowth when exposed to glyphosate, and can predispose the animal to botulism

Anonymous User
Re: Why eating organic is important
May 07, 2014 11:27PM
And just so Sir Issac Newton doesn't start rolling over in his grave, it's always good to provide counterpoint (for every action...):

"In response to these wild claims, University of Florida scientist Kevin Folta has launched a petition at Change.org to demand that Huber either release his study material to the scientific community or stop misinformation."

Read the link for the wild claims:


I've got to admit that if Huber hasn't released the material for review by other experts then his claims aren't worth much. In the same manner that if Monsanto said that Roundup cured a-fib and wouldn't release the data then that claim wouldn't be worth much.

Additional googling will reveal pros and cons about Huber.

"Glyphosate induces human breast cancer cells growth via estrogen receptors.":


"Major Pesticides Are More Toxic to Human Cells Than Their Declared Active Principles"


But, don't forget, if something causes cancer then it also inhibits it: winking smiley

"Glyphosate and AMPA inhibit cancer cell growth through inhibiting intracellular glycine synthesis"

(AMPA is a degradation product of glyphosate)


Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2014 11:56PM by morpheus.
Re: Why eating organic is important
May 08, 2014 01:37PM
In cases like this you have to follow the money trail where the evidence can't be confirmed yet the author obviously has considerable expenses maintining such a high profile. A retired Army Colonel and professer doesn't usually have the income for such a high lifestyle. Where does his money come from and how is that related to his research?

His pronouncements are really huge for basically one man's research.

Here's a link to an article about Dr. Huber refusing to release his now famous culture to the scientific community for examination.


Would a similiar claim to this be Monsanto spending a ton of money saying the'd discovered a cure for cancer then refuse to release the research?

Anonymous User
Re: Why eating organic is important
May 08, 2014 02:55PM
"If you're no' a Gordon, you're nae use to me"

morpheus high-fives the dialectic man
Re: Why eating organic is important
May 09, 2014 07:35PM
We Gotta Grow It Our Selves it looks like.

Kellogg’s Kashi Cereal Will Drop Its “All Natural” Label

Health-conscious cereal brand Kashi is dropping the terms "all natural" and "nothing artificial" from its labeling. The changes come as part of a class-action lawsuit settlement, which also includes a $5 million payment for Kellogg, the food corporation behind Kashi. The suit, which was filed in California in 2011, accused Kellogg of false advertising for promoting certain Kashi products as all natural when they contained hexane-processed soy ingredients that had been produced synthetically. The company also settled a related suit over its Bear Naked brand for $325,000.

Re: Why eating organic is important
May 11, 2014 01:02PM
Like Hawaiian Papaya - Don't eat it if you're against GMO.


Re: Why eating organic is important
May 11, 2014 06:36PM
Hawaiian Papaya had a disease strike which threaten to wipe out all of the Papaya crops, GMO saved them, I would eat them.

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