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Aspirin for afib bad for the eyes?
May 01, 2014 08:39PM
Hot off the press. May 6, 2014--can't get too much more proleptic than that (well, actually you can, heh heh). I suspect that's the date the full article will be released:

Effect of Aspirin Use on Progression of Age-Related Macular
Degeneration in the Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2) Participants

Purpose: To determine whether aspirin use is associated with the
progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Conclusion: Contrary to previous reports of association of aspirin
use with advanced AMD, especially neovascular AMD, observational
data from the AREDS2 suggest that the use of aspirin has no
statistically significant association with AMD progression. We can
reassure our patients with AMD that aspirin could be considered
when medically indicated.

Note that the study focuses on the "progression" of AMD (or ARMD). Any potential causitive effects associated with aspirin use are not addressed. However, if you do happen to suffer from AMD it seems that aspirin use might not exacerbate a progression of the disease.

Naturally, these results may be contradicted by a newer study.

It seems that it's a law of nature that today's catholicon is found next week (year, whatever) to be determined to be one of the ten most potent poisons known to modern science. winking smiley


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/01/2014 08:45PM by morpheus.
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