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Anonymous User
April 29, 2014 01:28PM
This post gives me an opportunity to test out my signature: “morpheus, advocatus diaboli”. (hopefully it's going to work)


The signature should explain why I've bulled my way through the saloon doors and started blasting away with my six-shooters, so to speak.

But first and foremost my purpose is to express my thanks to Hans R. Larsen. What an amazing website, Hans. An unparallelled collection of the most important information concerning afib and related issues that I've been able to find so far. Hans' site is definitely the mother lode of informational websites. Thank you, Hans.

Then, there are the cynosures of this website: Shannon and Jackie. Hans made a great choice in his “passing the torch” to Shannon, in my estimation. Shannon seems always to be available to answer questions, give encouragement and provide up-to-date information. Thank you, Shannon.

Jackie's contribution is clearly evident just by considering the sheer number of posts she's made. Extremely useful information supplemented by her own personal and professional expertise . Thank you, Jackie.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2014 01:36PM by morpheus.
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