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Heart attack survivor
April 27, 2014 06:16PM
I'm posting for a friend who has survived a heart attack and had a stent placed recently. She is 50 with no history of heart disease. She would like to find a cardiologist who is open to alternative medicine, or incorporates it into his practice. I remember reading about a clinic that offered non-surgical treatment for people who had been told they needed a bypass. Anyone know of this clinic?

We are in the San Francisco Bay area and would like any recommendations for cardiologists here. I know many, but none fit the bill so far.


Cindy O
Re: Heart attack survivor
April 28, 2014 03:02PM
Hi Cindy, Sorry to hear about your friend. I think that Dr Esselstyn from the Cleveland Clinic (?) treats patients that do not want to have bypass surgery with lifestyle modification . He has reported much success. Check in with him for a recommendation of an MD in your area. Dennis

Try this link [www.heartattackproof.com]
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