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Monsanto's GMO Corn are Banned in Russia
April 15, 2014 10:20PM
After the release of the French study that linked Monsanto’s GMO corn with horrifying cancer tumors, Russia has now banned all Monsanto’s GMO corn. The study has had its own supporters and critics so the Russian Institute of Nutrition is now fully evaluating the French study.


A lot more websites out there saying the same, if you want to read more about it.
Re: Monsanto's GMO Corn are Banned in Russia
April 21, 2014 02:50AM

The French study said that the rats were also fed Roundup in their water, so did the pesticide Roundup cause the tumors or the GMO corn? We have had seed altering since Luther Burbank, GMO is bred so that less pesticides need to be used and the corn is more drought tolerant, I really cannot see how that would cause tumors. There really isn't any hard, long term scientific studies that support all of this hype about GMO food.

Re: Monsanto's GMO Corn are Banned in Russia
April 21, 2014 05:22PM
Thanks Todd - A lot of people don’t realize which foods are commonly GMOs or understand the complications of the GMO DNA once it’s inside the human body.

The Food Democracy Now! website has an abundance of enlightening information [www.fooddemocracynow.org]

Here’s one:

Tell the USDA to Keep Agent Orange GMOs Off Your Plate!
The first generation of biotech crops has failed. And failed badly. Now the biotech industry is stepping up the chemical arms race in an effort to make up for the failure of Monsanto’s Roundup. Excessive use of Roundup by GMO farmers has led million of acres of U.S. farmland filled with Roundup resistant superweeds.

To combat this, Dow Chemical is petitioning the USDA to approve a new GMO "Agent Orange" corn and soy to tolerate 2,4-D, a main chemical component of the Vietnam era defoliant linked to birth defects, cancer, and hormone disruption. On top of these horrific health problems, 2,4-D is widely known among farmers to be difficult to control during application, leading to drift onto neighboring farms, causing major crop damage and contaminating waterways.

These facts have greatly alarmed scientists and farmers alike, leading a former top Reagan USDA official to declare 2,4-D one of “the most dangerous chemicals out there.”

Tell the USDA to Dump Dow’s Dangerous Agent Orange GMOs! [action.fooddemocracynow.org]

Dr. Mercola’s writers have collected a large amount of data on this topic at his website….and there are many, many more,,,go to [gmo.mercola.com] for the directory of reports.

This clip is from Institute for Responsible Technology:

GM plants, such as soybean, corn, cottonseed, and canola, have had foreign genes forced into their DNA. The inserted genes come from species, such as bacteria and viruses, which have never been in the human food supply.

Genetic engineering transfers genes across natural species barriers. It uses imprecise laboratory techniques that bear no resemblance to natural breeding, and is based on outdated concepts of how genes and cells work.[4] Gene insertion is done either by shooting genes from a "gene gun" into a plate of cells or by using bacteria to invade the cell with foreign DNA. The altered cell is then cloned into a plant.

Widespread, unpredictable changes
The genetic engineering process creates massive collateral damage, causing mutations in hundreds or thousands of locations throughout the plant's DNA.[5] Natural genes can be deleted or permanently turned on or off, and hundreds may change their behavior.[6] Even the inserted gene can be damaged or rearranged,[7] and may create proteins that can trigger allergies or promote disease.

GM foods on the market
There are eight GM food crops. The five major varieties—soy, corn, canola, cotton, and sugar beets—have bacterial genes inserted, which allow the plants to survive an otherwise deadly dose of weed killer. Farmers use considerably more herbicides on these GM crops and so the food has higher herbicide residues. About 68% of GM crops are herbicide tolerant.

The second GM trait is a built-in pesticide, found in GM corn and cotton. A gene from the soil bacterium called Bt (for Bacillus thuringiensis) is inserted into the plant's DNA, where it secretes the insect-killing Bt-toxin in every cell. About 19% of GM crops produce their own pesticide. Another 13% produce a pesticide and are herbicide tolerant.

There is also Hawaiian papaya and a small amount of zucchini and yellow crookneck squash, which are engineered to resist a plant virus.
Growing evidence of harm from GMOs

GM soy and allergic reactions
• Soy allergies skyrocketed by 50% in the UK, soon after GM soy was introduced.[8]
• A skin prick allergy test shows that some people react to GM soy, but not to wild natural soy.[9]
• Cooked GM soy contains as much as 7-times the amount of a known soy allergen.[10]
• GM soy also contains a new unexpected allergen, not found in wild natural soy.[11]

Bt corn and cotton linked to allergies
The biotech industry claims that Bt-toxin is harmless to humans and mammals because the natural bacteria version has been used as a spray by farmers for years. In reality, hundreds of people exposed to Bt spray had allergic-type symptoms,[12] and mice fed Bt had powerful immune responses[13] and damaged intestines.[14] Moreover, the Bt in GM crops is designed to be more toxic than the natural spray and is thousands of times more concentrated.
Farm workers throughout India are getting the same allergic reactions from handling Bt cotton[15] as those who reacted to Bt spray.[16] Mice[17] and rats[18] fed Bt corn also showed immune responses.

GMOs fail allergy tests
No tests can guarantee that a GMO will not cause allergies. Although the World Health Organization recommends a screening protocol,[19] the GM soy, corn, and papaya in our food supply fail those tests—because their GM proteins have properties of known allergens.[20]

GMOs may make you allergic to non-GM foods
• GM soy drastically reduces digestive enzymes in mice.[21] If it also impairs your digestion, you may become sensitive and allergic to a variety of foods.
• Mice fed Bt-toxin started having immune reactions to formerly harmless foods.[22]
• Mice fed experimental GM peas also started reacting to a range of other foods.[23] (The peas had already passed all the allergy tests normally done before a GMO gets on the market.

Only this advanced test, which is never used on the GMOs we eat, revealed that the peas could actually be deadly.)

Continue: [www.responsibletechnology.org]

Tell Coca-Cola: Stop fighting GMO-labeling efforts [www.credomobilize.com]

GMO Critiques May Miss Another Danger Is a popular pesticide used with some GM crops a bigger problem than GM crops themselves?
6/3/2013By Craig Weatherby

GM Foods Linked To Alzheimer's Disease
Dear Reader,

While some may argue that genetically modified (GM) foods do no harm and protect the environment, the truth is far from the rosy picture Monsanto — the largest US manufacturer of GM foods and pesticides — is trying to make us believe.

The truth is, GM foods pose a real danger to your health. A case in point is a new study showing that you could be increasing your Alzheimer's risk with every single bite you take from GM foods.

The last Roundup

Nearly all GM crops are GM for one reason. They're genetically modified so they can be drenched with Roundup weed killer — coincidentally also manufactured by Monsanto.

The problem is that the weed-killing chemical in Roundup (glyphosate) saturates the crops. When humans consume those crops — either as plants or as ingredients in processed foods — our bodies absorb glyphosate.

That means that if you eat processed foods that include soy, sugar, corn or wheat you're eating glyphosate.

You could say that most people are on a glyphosate diet, but they never know it.

Now, there are all kinds of ways glyphosate could be doing us harm. But there are two ways that researchers warn us this poison could increase our risk of Alzheimer's...

1) Glyphosate inhibits an enzyme the body uses to get rid of toxins. This pumps up inflammation that damages cellular systems in your brain.

2) Glyphosate binds minerals, which impedes the absorption of zinc. Zinc deficiency is one of the key markers for Alzheimer's.

You can start reducing the risk of Alzheimer's by kicking GM foods out of your diet. It seems impossible but an easy first step is to avoid processed foods that contain the four key ingredients I mentioned above: soy, sugar, corn and wheat — and aren't labeled "certified non-GMO."
Source: Daily Health eAlert

Re: Monsanto's GMO Corn are Banned in Russia
April 21, 2014 07:04PM
Speaking about the Hawaiian Papaya, the papaya was on the verge of being wiped out by a virus until GMO. BT (Bacillus Thurmigiensis) mentioned in your article---I remember it was sold as an organic spray in organic gardening and I believe it still is.

More nutritious foods can be produced--altered to change the protein content, which would be great for people in some parts of the world. GMO foods can cause certain allergies in some people, but some natural pollens can do the same.

There are some bad things because of GMO foods but there are many benefits that can happen, throughout history each new innovation was said not to be of benefit and would be bad for mankind which proved untrue.

Re: Monsanto's GMO Corn are Banned in Russia
April 22, 2014 07:02AM
Looks like most name brand Beer is full of GMO's & other goodies. drinking smiley
8 Beers You Should Stop Drinking IMMEDIATELY! Many of us choose what we eat very carefully, or at least dedicate some of our attention to it. But when it comes to drinks, especially alcoholic beverages, we do little to make the best decisions for health. Here are some harmful ingredients commonly found in beer:
. Budweiser
budweiser22One of the most popular beers, or most advertised is Budweiser. Budweiser contains genetically modified (GMO) corn. In 2007, Greenpeace discovered experimental GMO rice in Anheuser-Busch Budweiser beer.
GMO corn syrup
GMO corn
High fructose corn syrup
Fish bladder
Propylene glycol
Monosodium glutamine (MSG)
Natural flavors
GMO sugars
Caramel coloring
Insect-based dyes
Re: Monsanto's GMO Corn are Banned in Russia
April 22, 2014 09:26PM
Todd Ha ha... I read this quickly and thought it said..... 8 beers and you should stop drinking immediately... I thought ...8 beers and I'd definitely stop...as I'd be dead. No seriously... I did read it correctly but catchy heading. winking smiley

Figures when it comes to Monsanto and they're just one of many.

The GMO grains and other foods are causing great problems with people as well as livestock. It's not just allergy type symptoms... when you start reading all this, it's a very scary setting we have in the world today. The directives to feed the starving masses with food that does them eventual harm...... but feeding them food that just staves off death sort of.."temporarily" doesn't seem like a compassionate goal either.

Re: Monsanto's GMO Corn are Banned in Russia
April 23, 2014 02:01AM
Really, Really, "The directives to feed the starving masses with food that does them eventual harm...... but feeding them food that just staves off death sort of.."temporarily" doesn't seem like a compassionate goal either." How do you know it would be just temporarily, feeding a person that is weak and hungry isn't a compassionate goal, excuse me, something is wrong with this picture.

Re: Monsanto's GMO Corn are Banned in Russia
April 28, 2014 09:56PM

That French study that started this trend has been spoken about on Dr. Oz's show: Here is some of what was said:

A new French study says no. Why? This is what they found: NK603 is a type of corn that has been genetically modified to be tolerant of a commonly used herbicide, which would eliminate surrounding weeds, but it would also be present in small quantities in the foods we eat. The scientists fed rats NK603 that contained levels of the herbicide. They found the rats eventually developed massive tumors after seven months and died earlier than animals fed a “regular” diet.

However, scientists who are in support of genetically modified foods say the research is flawed – even accusing the authors of going on a “statistical fishing trip” and selecting numbers that suited their study while throwing out the unsuitable data. The opposing scientists also claimed the authors used a breed of rats who were bred to develop tumors as they aged anyway. The authors failed to mention the amount of food given in the article, which is important since high amounts of food, GMO or normal, can increase the risk of tumors. Not to mention, they also had a very small control group (fed non-GMO food) of 20 rats that also developed tumors.

Yes, we can always find articles to suit what our thinking is---there is not enough scientific evidence to say that GM food should be banned. I don't know if any of you remember Jack LaLane, a fitness expert, he was once asked if Organic food was better to eat than food one would purchase in a supermarket, his answer, there was no difference, he lived into his nineties.

I have a garden, about 1/4 of an acre, I spend a lot of time tilling, hoeing and pulling weeds. I can't imagine raising veggie on a large scale, they cant spend the time or the expense of culling out weeds, even organic farmers have to use some sort of weed killers/pesticides, they will say that they are less harmful, maybe, maybe not.

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