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Which kind of fish ?
April 11, 2014 04:44AM
Hello Jackie and anyone,

Which would you pick out of fresh farmed Atlantic salmon or tinned red wild Atlantic salmon?


Re: Which kind of fish ?
April 11, 2014 02:50PM
Alex - I would not eat any farm-raised fish of any kind. They feed them garbage and chemicals.

Canned or 'tinning' is certainly not as desirable over fresh... or flash frozen, but it is certainly better than farm raised.
The BPA chemicals of can linings is troublesome and some producers are starting to package in BPA free cans.

With the radioactive fallout from Fukushima now affecting fish in the Pacific ocean, I'd definitely try to find Atlantic Wild Caught fish.
They haven't yet put out an alert on Alaskan fish but I'm sure that will be coming next.

Of course, if a food shortage happens, we will all be gratefully eating whatever we can find, but for now, we should try to be highly selective and avoid the extra toxins.

If we become vegetarians, this issue is greatly diminished.

Be well,
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