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Beware: Aspartame hiding behind a new name. Still a neurotoxin.
April 06, 2014 07:41PM
Just a reminder that everyone should avoid the artificial sweetener type products or foods containing them.

Several years ago, aspartame was renamed Amino Sweet playing on “amino” designation to fool the unsuspecting public that it was safe. These days, we hear a lot about Amino Acids as good things, right? Wrong when it comes to Amino Sweet. Aspartame is made by mixing aspartic acid and phenylalanine, two naturally-occurring amino acids which produce a sweet taste… and it’s also a neurotoxin. It’s amazing how many people are still drinking sugar free drinks and using the sweetener in coffee, tea and other beverages and are totally unaware of the risks.

The various types of these chemical sweeteners have excitotoxic effects on the brain and as we have learned from experience, stimulating arrhythmia so everyone, especially, afibbers should read labels carefully if purchasing packaged products since a ‘low calorie or diet product’ may contain an chemical (toxic) sweetener. Sucralose reduces good gut bacteria by 50% allowing your body to become toxic.

Thousands of packaged products including beverages, yogurt, cereals commonly contain artificial sweeteners such as aspartame…now called AminoSweet… other names included Nutrasweet, Splenda (Sucralose), Equal, Sunette, Sweet One, Sweet-N-Low, Sugar Twin and many more.

Unfortunately, people who are dieting or are simply weight conscious individuals along with diabetics gravitate to these sweeteners which do great harm and it’s found they actually contribute to weight gain.

If you type into a Google search the words Aspartame renamed AminoSweet, you’ll find a great number of warning reports on the damage done by the artificial sweeteners. Health Ranger,Mike Adams’ Natural News has done an exceptional job of reporting regularly on this topic.

A few of many links:
Learn more: [www.naturalnews.com]

The safe natural herbal sweetener, Stevia, has been improved over the years and remains very popular. There is a new, liquid version. Xylitol is made from birch tree bark and corn husks. It is granular and tastes like sugar with 40% less calories than sugar and does not raise insulin or blood sugar levels…and does not feed intestinal yeast. If you decide to try Xylitol, choose one that is pure Xylitol rather than one that contains bulking filler. Some individuals find Xylitol has a laxation effect.

Extensive details in book, Excitotoxins – The Taste that Kills by neurosurgeon, Russell L. Blaylock, MD

Also a revealing read: Sweet Deception : Why Splenda®, Nutrasweet®, and the FDA May Be Hazardous to Your Health. by Joseph Mercola, D.O.

Re: Beware: Aspartame hiding behind a new name. Still a neurotoxin.
April 27, 2014 09:28PM
Why Coke Is a Joke—New Ad Campaign Defends Aspartame

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