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Potassium bicarbonate or gluconate?
March 11, 2014 12:37AM
Hello Jackie or anyone,

I have no potassium problems I know of but I thought of taking a precautionary amount.

I prefer the bicarbonate not because of anything I know but because bicarbonate sounds good !

Any comments or suggested amount?


Re: Potassium bicarbonate or gluconate?
March 12, 2014 04:16PM
Alex - like the potassium bicarbonate as well. While I do have and use the gluconate form, I have come to rely more on the bicarbonate for all of the reasons we have mentioned regarding magnesium bicarbonate water.

Best to you,

Re: Potassium bicarbonate or gluconate?
March 14, 2014 01:06PM
Hi alexe. I recall Hans advising us that the bicarbonate is more concentrated than the gluconate. If you bicarbonate powder did not come with dosing instructions don't assume it is the same as the gluconate and check with your pharmacist so you don't overdose. Dennis
Re: Potassium bicarbonate or gluconate?
March 14, 2014 04:38PM
Alexe -

The label on one of my potassium products which is Professional-grade supplement indicates: Potassium… 125 mg sourced from 320 mg potassium bicarbonate

Another is a combination of Potassium glycinate complex and potassium bicarbonate at 300 mg/capsule but it doesn’t break out the bicarbonate or glycine component.

The NOW brand Potassium gluconate powder does not separate out the amount of potassium delivered. The the dose is 1/2 teaspoon yields 270 mg potassium gluconate. I typically use a teaspoon at a time for 540 mg but that's not all pure potassium.

I also have potassium citrate tablets from Natural Factors and again, the citrate component is not separated out....of the total 99 mg/tablet. Dosing recommendations are take 1 tablet 1 - 5 times a day as recommended by healthcare professional.

Hope this helps.

Re: Potassium bicarbonate or gluconate?
March 15, 2014 03:04AM
When I mix my potassium gluconate with carbonated water, a reaction happens. Just wondering if I'm making potassium carbonate and if this is better than just mixing it with water.
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