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Lyme Disease Under Our Skin
March 12, 2013 02:19PM
Anyone with Lyme disease or other illnesses not diagnosed properly need to watch this documentary. It's amazing to me what poor people are enduring, both from the health care system and the disease. It proves it's 'not all in your head'.
People have been told they have Alzheimers, dementia, ALS, brain disease, arthritis, Parkinsons, 'normal' miscarriages and MS when it's Chronic Lyme. The tests are less than adequate and have many false Negatives. It's the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria. Like syphilis, it gets into every organ of our body which is why there are so many different symptoms.
This documentary explained a lot to me. It's on YouTube and the name of it is 'Under Our Skin'.
Evidentially, the bacteria mimics the syphilis corkscrew shape and has a biofilm around it. Very interesting and worth watching.
Please share with as many people as you can. It's epidemic.

Do not forget to also test for other infections in addition like Bartonella....
The symptoms for Borrelia and Bartonella seems to be overlapping considerably.
Bartonella is likely very underdiagnosed too...one can get Bartonella from cats, dogs (and series of other animals), some types of biting flies, and ticks, one research study showed Bartonella was just as common in ticks in USA as Borrelia.
and yes Babesia should also be excluded
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