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Too much of good things?

Posted by alex 
Too much of good things?
June 03, 2012 06:25AM
You name it, I probably consume it.

Devils claw, cat's claw ,Fo Ti, Co Q 10 ,vitamin D, l-carnitine, acetyl l-carnitine, Hawthorn Berry, Taurine ,Vinopocetine. I could go on and on. I am into the several dozen [no exaggeration ] of different supplements or vitamins. If I see a new and interesting supplement I often include it.

I don't take maximum doses. If directions are three twice a day I may take two once a day unless they are core supplements such as CoQ10,Nattolinase, vitamin C, and vitamin D. There are plenty of others.

The question is not just whether you can have too much of a good thing but whether you can have too much overall as a total of so many separate good things.

I can't notice any bad effects at age 77. I just passed an intensive and detailed flying medical two weeks ago. I feel good and have no apparent problems apart from having to watch for invisible varicose veins in my lower legs and have simple injection treatment early on. I am on no medications since my AFIB stopped in 2006.

Any suggestions on a possible too much of a good thing syndrome ?


Re: Too much of good things?
June 03, 2012 07:38PM
Alex - I offer my Contratulations to you !!!! Glad it's working well for you.

I have often been called 'the queen of supplements' given my long history of various ailments that have been rexolved by using various nutritionals and botanicals when various drugs offered no resolution and I'm sure my stash would cause a gasp or two, so I can appreciate your inquiry.

Much of my selections, however have typically been a result of guidance of a holistic MD. naturopathic physician or I've done a lot of independent research before simply trying something because it sounded useful. There is often a caution involved with some herbals and nutrients as well that involve interactions that may not be beneficial so when experimenting, it's smart to do plenty research on your own to be sure you don't cause a problem or just waste your money on something that sounds good but is typically known to be mostly ineffective. Most you mention have well known benefits.

I'm just a year younger than you and I'm in remarkable health compared to many much younger people in my social circles. I attribute that success to enhancing the benefits of pure, whole foods, mostly organic, much raw or lightly cooked from scratch with nutritional supplements.

Enjoy life.

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