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A Marijuana Bud a Day Keeps the Stroke Away
March 25, 2012 04:03AM
Former Heart Surgeon: While some people are on a daily dose of aspirin to lower the severity of problems after a heart attack or stroke, Allen said marijuana is a better alternative.
You Eat it. Don't Smoke it :-)
Google this. A Marijuana Bud a Day Keeps the Stroke Away.
Lots of other stuff out there about it.
Re: A Marijuana Bud a Day Keeps the Stroke Away
March 29, 2012 12:01AM
After looking at the youtube video referenced in Todd's post, I put just the two words "marijuana" and "stroke" in a Google search and came up with a surprising number of references to marijuana smoking as a serious risk factor for stroke. This is of course different from eating marijuana buds which is what the doctor is advocating. I guess what surprised me about my google search results was that the marijuana / stoke connection hasn't been publicized more given how mainstream medical marijuana has become.
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