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Why is my tongue numb?
January 14, 2012 10:52AM
The last few days I noticed the tip of my tongue was feeling numb. The only addition I have made lately to my supplement routine is Iodine. Can this be responsible?


Re: Why is my tongue numb?
January 14, 2012 04:07PM
May be your blood pressure. read down a few of the responses.
Google this. . ( tip of my tongue was feeling numb. )
Tons of stuff out there
Re: Why is my tongue numb?
January 15, 2012 06:11AM
Adrian - There is one way to check... stop the iodine for several weeks and see if your tongue normalizes.

When I began taking iodine, I noticed an uncomfortable, metallic taste and my nose ran continually. I stopped and the symptoms went away, confirming it was the iodine. Since I wanted to add iodine and since I felt the symptoms were part of a detoxing effect, I persisted with very slowly ramping up doses ... the metallic taste has gone but the nose still runs. The iodine experts say it's either a detox reaction or... a sensitivity to iodine. Since I've had the desired results of diminishing the size of thyroid nodules, I'm going to continue to use the iodine and tough-out the side effects.

If you stop the iodine and the numbness persists, then I'd start looking into a vitamin B deficiency. Tongue issues are among the first signs. We all need a substantial, complete B complex to ensure methylation, especially if we eat Paleo and eliminate grains. If you have a high stress load, all the more reason to take a substantial B Complex.

Be well, Jackie
Re: Why is my tongue numb?
January 15, 2012 11:51AM
Todd, Jackie, Thanks for the replies, I had searched a few forums and found those and other suggestions. I supplement with a B50 complex and additional sublingual B6, folate and B12 (Trivita). I don't think thats the issue but one never knows. I also don't think I have MS cause I have no other symptoms. One poster suggested I check my toothpaste for Sodium Laurel Sulphate causing numbness due to an allergic reaction. I use periobrite from iherb. no mention SLS being in there at all.

I still think it might be the Iodine (to coincidental) but I am still going to take it for a while. All this talk of radiation poisoning has got me a little spooked so unless it gets really bad I can put up with a little tingling. With no easy access to testing I am just going to assume I'm deficient and proceed accordingly. I will go slow though.


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