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Hans Larsen
Forum change-over
January 13, 2012 04:20PM
LAF Forum I was born in 2001 using a then state-of-the-art Bulletin Board (Phorum version 3.4.8). We have managed to keep it going for 10 years without major interruptions, but now an upgrade is inevitable. Our internet service provider is installing new servers and new database programs which will not accommodate Phorum 3.4.8. So the choice is to shut down the bulletin boards or upgrade to Phorum 5.2.18. I have chosen the latter course of action. However, with well over 100,000 postings on the present and previous forums the change-over is going to be a major project. I hope it can be accomplished smoothly and without a loss of postings.

I’ll keep you informed as things progress and hope all goes well and according to schedule, but please have patience if it does not :~)

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