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Tom Poppino
Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 06, 2012 06:06AM
Given the ever increasing rates of new afib cases, I constantly ask why? Prior to the 1990's I had never heard of it.....I realize "there were" cases of it but now days I cannot hardly talk to anyone especially in my store that is not at least aware of someone who has it and many times they'll say "oh yeah I've had some afib"

Prior to 1991 we did not have a computer, a cell phone, a car remote, ipads, ipods, laptops, .............we wear battery operated watches on our left arms, and maybe more importantly we microwave food...........

Would love your thoughts on microwave use, we have for years not cooked food but warm leftovers in a microwave.................

I just don't buy the cardiologists reasoning for increased afib "that the aging population in why"

Tom P
Tom B
Re: Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 06, 2012 06:38AM
Part of the reason for an increase in afib numbers might be that it can now be diagnosed with EKG's (in house, holters, etc.) where only a decades ago such was not readily available. How do we know those palpitations grandpa complained about wasn't an afib bout? My grandmother died about 40 years ago and the doctor said "her heart ran away with her". yep. I had intermittent afib for about ten years before it was finally diagnosed in an ER ward less than two years ago!

It would seem to me that a huge baby-boomer population with normally reduced kidney, thyroid, etc., efficiency is now coming of afib-age. This group is chock full of heavy salt-consumers, diet drink-drinkers, and overweights. This group has also probably been far more consistently stuffed with more unnecessary prescription and over-the-counter medicines over their life than any previous group.

There are plenty of more compelling reasons for more afib awareness amongst us than shielded microwave devices, smart meters, etc., IMO, although I wouldn't rule out their impact on some.

Tom B
Re: Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 06, 2012 07:09AM
Don't forget watching TV. Our aging generation is the first to sit for hours every day and subject ourselves to that wonderful device. Many early TV's were known to be heavy X-ray generators and perhaps generated other potentially harmful energy frequencies also.
Re: Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 06, 2012 09:40AM
Tom - You may have missed the reports offered on this topic of Electropollution and Cardiovascular Risk... see links below.

It's definitely been on my awareness screen for quite some time as I've been taking various energy classes to learn more about how we can protect our body from the adverse impacts of toxic frequencies on the body. The public (generally) is in denial about the potential harm various forms of toxic frequencies can have on the body because we are totally hooked on so many wireless gadgets. The safety issues or warnings are not publicized here in the US by mainstream media but there are large numbers of well-informed advocates spreading the word.

The link to arrhythmia is well known by the experts who deal with those patients who suffer from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and Dr. Sinatra's comments in the first report are not to be ignored.

The connection to the fact that if we are low in voltage, we can have arrhythmia, directly relates to energy interference factor (Conference Room Session 72).... our bodies are electrical by design and interference or impedence to maintain that voltage causes health problems including afib.
Pay particular attention to the info and quotes from "Healing is Voltage"... the book by Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), MD(P).

There is a huge amount of information on the Internet about the detrimental effects of toxic frequencies and it's not just arrhythmia.

Become informed... start with these reports and follow the many reference links provided.


Electropollution and Cardiovascular Risk <[www.afibbers.org];

Electropollution (Toxic Frequencies) Health Risks Identified Part 2 <[www.afibbers.org];

Electropollution Toxic Frequencies continued <[www.afibbers.org];

Tom B
Re: Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 06, 2012 10:23AM

I'm not saying radiation and generated fields of any particular frequency or magnitude may not be potentially harmful. As a matter-of-fact, one of my first readings in that regard was during in the early 1970's about microwave damage to the DNA of fruitflies (fast turnover dna-wise). The Russians at that time used scant shielding for their radar operators and paid the price with a cancer rate increase.

But, the current afib case incidence, as part of this discussion, is more likely due to other factors as noted in my response above.

Rather than focusing on the seemingly endless number of reports and studies that can often support any point of view for the cause of human illness, sometimes I think it is best to step back and review group history in terms of environment (esp food and drink), and genetic (lone afiber types, for example).

I often enjoy watching old silent films. I recently finished a wonderful compilation of Buster Keaton movies. It was very, very unusual to see an overweight person, even in crowd scenes. With the exception of an actor playing a "heavy", virtually everyone was exceptionally lean looking. So, this baby-boom generation (and following generations) is somewhat "abnormal" in many obvious ways to begin with (historically speaking) and that is enough cause for greater suspicion regarding heart malfunctions, IMO.

Re: Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 06, 2012 11:06AM
Tom, Tom, Jackie, and all -

Speaking of fields of radiations, toxic and otherwise, see THE LIVING MATRIX, especially Section 6, for a look at where the quantum biological revolution in medicine is heading, where biophysicist/cell biologist James Oschman uses the term 'energy cardiology', extending the meaning of 'metabolic cardiology' into the quantum realm: [www.afibbers.org]

Tom B
Re: Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 06, 2012 11:59AM

I watched the first half of the video. The problem I have with that presentation is the speakers over-generalize and distort science and history to make their points. A common theme is newtonian physics is the basis of modern medicine...etc, and newtonian physics is wrong and outdated. Their analogies stink too.

You and I both know that quantum mechanics, relativity and newtonian physics are all valid aspects of our struggles to quantify, in the form of mathematical metaphor, the observable existence that surrounds us. The validity of each is proved by our past successes when faced with issues of differing scale and type of application. When I hear people talk about "spirit" and the "mind" as separate entities, I become skeptical.

Might some cellular functions someday be best described with a quantum viewpoint? Time will tell.
Re: Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 06, 2012 02:44PM
Tom B - Thanks for the opportunity to comment further on this...

Oram Miller indicates in the first report that toxic frequencies damage cells to the point were magnesium leaks out and that certainly would be a direct contributor or cause of atrial fibrillation and would address the low voltage symptom which is the focus of CR 72… since without intracellular magnesium, none of the other essential electrolytes will be able to support the sodium/potassium ion transport. Therefore, not only the ion-dependent heart cells, but all of the ten trillion cells in the body will be in a deficient state. Just that one finding has wide-spread implications that afibbers can’t ignore.

All of the factors you mention are valid reasons but they are simply examples of geneic expressions that occur when the body isn’t able to function properly as the electrical entity that it is. We are electrical beings functioning electrically on an electrical planet. Movement of nutrients and water into cells is regulated by electric fields and each type of cell has a frequency and a range. There are many considerations that interfere with optimal electrical function.

Quoting from the referenced book, Healing is Voltage, Dr. Tennant reminds the reader that:

Myth: the human body is controlled primarily by chemistry.
Fact: the human body is controlled primarily by electronics (physics), not chemistry.

“Our Western Medical Paradigm assumes when an organ is failing to perform adequately, it can only be corrected by finding a chemical (drug) to make it work or to remove it surgically…which is based in chemistry and based on Newtonian concepts.
“The body is controlled by quantum (physics) laws until it dies. It then becomes Newtonian. Much of medicine treats the body as if it were Newtonian. At the moment the body loses its magnetic field, the body dies.”

This is current thinking among the enlightened brought to us those early research pioneers in the field of energetic medicine, Robert O Becker, MD and Richard Gerber, MD and is now abundantly available to those who are ready to receive it. Many well-known experts are working currently and actively to bring about public awareness of the damaging effects of our ‘modern’ conveniences that operate by wireless technology have given us valuable insight. Those actively working to spread the word about electrosmog, wireless in schools, smart meters and toxic frequencies – Cardiologist, Stephen T. Sinatra, MD, Magda Havas, PhD, Texas physician William J Rea, with his environmental medicine clinic, and the Certified Building Biologists and many, many more-- are working tireless to educate the public about the biophysical effects that are negatively affecting the health of so many. And the worst part is that it’s very often not a medical diagnostic consideration or even suspect.

"From Dr. Becker’s work, we now know that communication between cells of the body is facilitated by biophotons, biological light particles, which represent the quantum (smallest unit) of electromagnetic radiation. Biophotons of healthy people (and animals and plants) are strong and highly organized. Those who are sick have weak and chaotic biophoton radiations which are a sign of dysfunction and imbalance throughout the body and occur as the oscillatory rate of cells becomes disturbed. These biophotons produce a visual image that can be captured through Kirlian photography or imaging which most of us have seen.

Biophotons are directed throughout the body by the meridian systems to specific organs and tissues where needed. All our physical functions as well as thoughts, emotions and actions are accompanied by cellular biophoton communication. These energies operate much faster than chemical reactions or nerve impulse transmissions." (Zapped by Ann Louise Gittleman 2010)

Energy Medicine is a huge and fascinating field that is quickly (and fortunately) gaining momentum in a big way. It's here. Catch the wave!

Tom B
Re: Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 06, 2012 04:18PM

With all due respect, the following quote represents the kind of statement I can only attribute to (hopefully) ignorance by the author:

"Quoting from the referenced book, Healing is Voltage, Dr. Tennant reminds the reader that:

Myth: the human body is controlled primarily by chemistry.
Fact: the human body is controlled primarily by electronics (physics), not chemistry. "

Physics and chemistry don't control anything, they are sciences that involve an area of study. Physics and chemistry share the same findings and conclusions regarding electrical fields, magnetic fields, properties of light, matter, etc. With regard to matter, they share the same elemental models. Simplified, chemistry is the science of the property of substances, the changes they undergo, etc., physics is the science of matter, energy and their reactions. There is no separation between them in terms of a basis of understanding, and indeed, the fields overlap. They both use the same scientific method and are made distinct only by the area of study they generally embrace.

I did a little research on biophotons and not much, if anything, has been documented by independent research to support the above claims - I would think accepting the conclusions you quoted above would require a "quantum leap" of its own.


Re: Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 06, 2012 04:44PM
Tom B -

Unfortunately for a useful dialogue on the film, my views are completely opposite to yours, so I have little to say.
However, on your final comment - "Might some cellular functions someday be best described with a quantum viewpoint? Time will tell." - I must say this:
It has long been well established that Newtonian based reductionist* biology is fully incapable of understanding life's fundamental workings, or of forming a thoroughgoing bases for its health and healing, any more than Newtonian physics was capable of understanding fundamental particle behavior, or the nature of light, or gravity, hence the development of quantum physics/mechanics ushering in the nuclear age (for better or far worse). So as Jackie says, ride the wave.

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, 'Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine' in 1937, credited with discovering vitamin C and the components and reactions of the citric acid cycle and etc.:

I'm deeply sure that we will never be able to understand the essence of life if we restrict ourselves to the molecular level ... A surprising subtlety of biological reactions is stipulated by the mobility of electrons and can be explained only from the position of quantum mechanics.

Surf's up, Tom!


*Reductionism: [en.wikipedia.org]

Tom B
Re: Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 06, 2012 05:46PM

I wouldn't mind surfing, but the surfboard you offer looks broken. :-)

May I comment on this quote? (what, OK, you say?)

"I'm deeply sure that we will never be able to understand the essence of life if we restrict ourselves to the molecular level ... A surprising subtlety of biological reactions is stipulated by the mobility of electrons and can be explained only from the position of quantum mechanics."

This is true, and in 1937 his view would prove to be prophetic.
To the best of my knowledge, no one in today's sciences of biology, physics or chemistry restricts the study of life to the molecular level. The study of molecular interaction REQUIRES the understanding and use of quantum physics to predict and understand how atoms combine to form different molecules.

Saying that newtonian physics is the basis of atomic and molecular understanding in medicine is just not correct - I have never come across anything to support that statement, and I have taken college courses in biology, physics and chemistry, and continue to take courses as time progress. Coincidentally, I am starting a quantum mechanics course in about a month's time.

Perhaps some of the problems come from confusing the institution of medicine with science. The institution of medicine is a different animal - it is restricted by monetary limitations such as patient cost centers and litigation control. It must deal with acceptable processes and protocols in order to receive insurance payments and to avoid litigation. Training tends to be universal in nature. These processes are driven by the practical issues of cost and patient processing. We all know that big pharma is a major player in driving the direction of the medical institution, and that is sad to me - but like most things, time will likely slowly change the focus as better solutions come forth (if humanity lasts long enough at this level). Atrial fibrillation is a great example of how the institution is failing to deal with an illness, IMO - but I don't blame the doctors, as they currently have only a simplistic drug protocol and ablation process to go by.

Take care!

Re: Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 07, 2012 11:35AM
Tom, Tom - (P and B, that is) -

Regarding ignorance, Tom B, with due respect of course, and in the interest of furthering Tom P's and other's understanding of the nasty AF affliction, and the impact thereon of electro-radiations, and what one might reasonably do about it, I'm herewith focusing on your ignorance in miscomprehending Dr. Jerry Tennant in 'Healing is Voltage', to wit: Dr. Tennant did not say that the body is controlled by physics, as you claimed in your reply to Jackie -- he said the body is controlled by electronics, and that, in fact, is fact. Dr. Tennant does not write from ignorance.

Respectfully, as said.


A few relevant readings and resources:

- Article: The Newtonian World View [pespmc1.vub.ac.be]

- The Body Electric - Electromagnetism and The Foundation of Life. Robert O. Becker, MD (1985)

- Cross Currents - The Perils of Electropolution, the Promise of Electromedicine. Robert O. Becker, MD (1990) [www.amazon.com]

- The High Blood Pressure Solution - A Scientifically Proven Program for Preventing Strokes and Heart Disease. Richard D. Moore, MD, PhD (2001)

- Healing is Voltage - The Handbook. Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), MD(P) (2010)

- Reinventing Medicine - Beyond Mind-Body to a New Era of Healing. Larry Dossey, MD (2000)

- Mind Reach - Scientists Look at Psychic Abilities. Hal Puthoff, PhD; Russell Targ (1977, 2005)

- Miracles of Mind - Exploring Non-local Consciousness and Spiritual Healing. Russell Targ; Jane Katra, PhD (1999)

- The Biology of Belief - Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles. Bruce Lipton, PhD (2011)

- The Genie in Your Genes - Epigenetic Medicine and The New Biology of Intention. Dawson Church, PhD (2009) [www.amazon.com]

- The Way of The Explorer - An Apollo Astronaut's Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds. Edgar D. Mitchell, PhD (2008)

- Energy Medicine - The Scientific Basis. James L. Oschman, PhD (2000)

"James L Oschman, PhD, Previously Postdoctoral Fellow, Neurobiology Lab, VA Hospital, Pittsburgh; Visiting Scientist, Dept of Zoology, Cambridge University, UK; Postdoctoral Fellow, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio; Postdoctoral Fellow Inst of Biological Chemistry, University of Copenhagen; Asst Prof of Biological Sciences and Director of Electron Microscope Lab, Northwestern University, Illinois; faculty member and lecturer in anatomy and physiology at Rolf Institute, Boulder, Colorado; served as Director, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Acting President and member of Faculty at New England School of Acupuncture."

- Do electromagnetic fields interact with electrons in the Na,K-ATPase?

- and of course the film, The Living Matrix () [www.afibbers.org]

- and The Institute of Noetic Sciences as they advance the understanding of 'it all': [noetic.org]

- and so on ...

Tom B
Re: Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 07, 2012 12:07PM
For clarification...I simply quoted, via direct cut and paste, the lines from Jackie's response regarding Dr. Tennant. That post is located above mine. Therefore my alleged ignorance in comprehending.....is somewhat less than what such harsh rhetoric would imply, since I lacked access to the original quote and was only responding directly to what Jackie had provided.

HOWEVER, (place dramatic pause here) Dr. Tennant still might not so easily escape the label of "ignorant" since "electronics" is the science of man-made electrical devices, and such devices do not exist in living things. If he were talking about androids, I might reconsider my judgement.

But seriously, this is all in good fun, I hope. :-) Neener neener....

Re: Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 07, 2012 12:42PM
Tom B and all -

Regarding The Living Matrix film, the following is an instructive amazon.com review.
(full text at [www.amazon.com])

Thought-provoking intro to the new paradigm in biology January 19, 2010
By Reader (USA)

(In the interest of integrity, I want to disclose right off the top that my name is Joan Parisi Wilcox, and I know the film makers, have worked with the executive producer Harry Massey, hosted the London premier of this documentary and was on the panel for the US premier, so I am not unbiased. However,as a writer with freedom of professional pursuit I choose my projects and affiliations carefully and I am honored to know and work with the visionaries who created this film. This review is sincere, and I want to specifically speak to the science of the film.)

This documentary provides an entertaining and compelling introduction to the "new biology." It shows us what the future of medicine and healthcare will look like. It heralds that we have as yet untapped self-healing potentials, abilities that conventional science still treat as anomalies but that frontier scientists are taking seriously. It provides some of the theories that are reshaping the study of biology, health, physiology, and medicine. It's an ambitious film that hits the mark in introducing the general public to difficult subjects (medicine, physics, healing) in an engaging and easy-to-understand way.

The film is captivating in its content, presentation and flow, working from personal stories of healing that defy conventional explanation to mainstream medical and scientific knowledge to frontier theories and explanations. It leads us on a journey into the body that many people may find both surprising and mind-boggling, taking us beyond the cells to the bioenergetic and bio-informational fields that may actually regulate the body and its systems at its deepest, most fundamental level.

There is real science behind this film, but you won't find it publicized in the mainstream media. You have to be willing to look for it, as I will briefly dicsuss in a moment. The film makers have done us a service by profiling some of the top scientists, independent researchers, and journalists who are doing the studies or writing about the science of the new biology/medicine. The new biology looks beyond DNA, genes and cells into the deeper aspects of what controls, regulates and directs physiology. One of the answers is turning out to be fields of energy and information. We truly are on the cusp of a "quantum biology."

As physicist Anton Zellinger has said, information may be the most fundamental aspect of the universe, and as physicist Jacob Bekenstein says, "Ask anybody what the physical world is made of, and you are likely told matter and energy. Yet, if we have learned anything from engineering, biology and physics, information is just as crucial an ingredient." This film presents the theories about how energy and information appear to be fundamental to our body and to the state of our health.

While the film presents several stories of healings that defy the science of conventional, allopathic medicine, it doesn't leave us scratching our heads and saying, "How can this be?" It provides possible theories that explain these medical "miracles." I emphasize that the explanations are theories, not proof, but not much of conventional medicine is proven conclusively either. Science is statistical. Treatments (estrogen replacement therapy, mammogram recommendations, treatment strategies for prostrate cancer, etc.) in conventional medicine change as new research is conducted and knew understandings gained. In the young science of quantum biology and bioenergetic therapy, the same holds true.

Re: Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 07, 2012 02:36PM
Sure Tom B, all in good ? fun - BUT: these 'facts of life' are much too important to have them trampled. We've been presenting 'quantum' cell biology via the science worked out by Dr. Bruce Lipton and others for well over a year (<[www.afibbers.org]winking smiley, showing that the body is indeed controlled by electronics: "the cell membrane is a liquid crystal semicoductor with gates and channels - a homologue of a computer chip ... the cell membrane is the equivalent of a computer keyboard ... the membrane receptor-effector proteins (imbedded membrane proteins, IMPs) represent a functional complement of a computer's CPU ..." etc, etc.

A nice quote from 'quantum' cell biologist Bruce Lipton, PhD, p. 63, The Biology of Belief:

"We are the drivers of our own biology, just as surely as I am the driver of this word processor. We have the ability to edit the data we enter into our biocomputers, just as surely as I can choose the words I type. When we understand how IMPs control biology, we become masters of our fate, not victims of our genes."

Too bad you broke the surfboard - but hey, Antarctica's no good for surfing anyway - is it? Doesn't the cold make your blood thick? Nattokinase no good? Go North, young Man! (I'd say "Go West" but 'course there's only North at the South Pole ...)

Til we meet again?


Re: Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 07, 2012 03:50PM
The above referenced book/author bio, Energy Medicine - The Scientific Basis by James L. Oschman, PhD (2000) has select pages to be read at [www.amazon.com]

"Click to look inside", click "Table of contents", where certain chapters will open to several pages of text.

Chapter 13:

The Electromagnetic Environment


To complete our presentation, it is important to consider both the beneficial and the potentially harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation present in our environment. Some of these forms of energy are produced by technology, and others are related to geophysical and meteorological phenomena that are not widely known to the public. To what extent do these energies compliment or interfere with the delicate and intricate electrical and electronic signaling systems that regulate vital biological processes?


Re: Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 08, 2012 05:37AM
Dr. Oschman is brilliant.

I've just spent time listening to a couple of teleconferences on what the participants are calling "new quantum physics" which focuses on the treatment of many health ailments with pulsed electromagnetic frequency. PEMF. Results are hard to ignore. As might be expected, the voltage issue is at the core. Very compelling.

Re: Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 10, 2012 09:57AM
James L. Oschman, PhD.

CURRICULUM VITAE: [www.icimed.com]

Re: Microwave Ovens & Other Chaotic Energy Waves
January 11, 2012 11:00AM
Quotes from THE LIVING MATRIX, part 6. [www.disclose.tv]

- Folker Meissner, MD – Holistic practitioner:
"The heart is the emperor of the system..."

- James Oschman, PhD - Biophysicist, cell biologist:
"The signals produced by the heart are all of regulatory importance."

- Rollin McCraty, PhD – Director of Research, Institute of HeartMath:
"The heart generates by far the largest rhythmic electromagnetic signals in the body... It appears as though the heart - membranes - have access to a field of information not bound by time and space... quantum holographic, quantum physics – that’s all news... we really do have an energetic, electronic system..."

- Deborah Rozman, PhD – President and CEO, Quantum Intech:
"When the heart rhythmic beating pattern is smooth and ordered it’s called a coherent rhythm... the brain waves, the nervous system, the body organs and glands - all dance in harmony to that heart coherent rhythm."

- Lynne McTaggart – author, 'The Field':
"... the heart receives information first and then relays it to the brain."

- Peter Fraser – Director of Research, Nutri-Energetics Systems:
"There are a lot of neural features in the heart... inside the heart is an enormous amount of charge."

- Dean Radin, PhD – Senior Researcher, Institute of Noetic Sciences:
"... there must be something like an informational pattern that holds this together."

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