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Human bodies contain too many damaging chemicals
I wonder how much this contibutes to our arrythmia problems,and if it is to late to do anything about it?

"Tests for a hundred particularly hazardous substances have revealed that – on average – we each harbour 27 of them in our blood, though the chemical cocktail varies from person to person. Children have been found to be more contaminated than their parents or grandparents, while mothers pass on the poisons to babies in the womb. Researchers have found potentially dangerous chemicals in every one of 14 basic foodstuffs they took from supermarket shelves, and in the air of every home they visited.

Findings like these spurred 200 eminent scientists from five continents some years ago to issue a joint warning that exposure to common chemicals skewed the development of critical organs in foetuses and newborns, increasing their chances of developing diabetes, cancer,"
Re: Article :Human bodies contain too many damaging chemicals
December 31, 2011 07:29AM
Ian - this is definitely an important article as toxins of all sorts interfere with the functioning of the body's electrical system which is ultimately 'where it's at' for health and of course, AF.

It's never too late to try to do something by making smart choices with food, water, controlling home environment and toxic frequencies that bombard us 24/7. Antioxidant foods and getting ourselfs 'grounded' help significantly to ward off the detrimental effects of free-radical damage.

Additionally, we can embark on a formal detoxing program regularly.

I like to start one to ring in the New Year.

Ian, thanks for this article: [www.telegraph.co.uk]

Related: [www.afibbers.org]

Yes, we live in a poisoned planet. The trick is to get rid of whatever possible (iodine protocol can do some of this), and avoid getting any more.

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