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International Journal of Health Services, Volume 42, Number 1, Pages 47–64, 2012

Joseph J. Mangano and Janette D. Sherman

Full text: [www.radiation.org]

Source: [globalresearch.ca],
article: [globalresearch.ca]:

Study: Fukushima Radiation Has Already Killed 14,000 Americans

Re: US mortality increase folowing Fukushima nuclear radiation release
December 31, 2011 09:22AM
There's undoubtedly much more to this than most of us realize and supports the concern to do what we can to become aware and protect ourselves after the fact, as much as we can. Too late to protect the planet.
Grim reality.

A video interview with Janette D. Sherman, MD, one of the journal article authors, is here: [globalresearch.ca]

Dr. Sherman was Consulting Editor for the 2010 book 'Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment'

Book description:
"This volume, written by leading authorities from Eastern Europe, outlines the history of the health and environmental consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. Although there has been much discussion concerning the impacts of nuclear accidents, and Chernobyl in particular, never before has there been a comprehensive presentation of all the available information concerning the health and environmental effects of the low dose radioactive contaminants that were emitted from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. The official discussions emanating from the IAEA and associated UN agencies (e.g. the Chernobyl Forum reports) have largely downplayed or ignored many of the findings reported in the Eastern European scientific literature, and as a consequence these reports have erred on the side of negative findings, simply because much of what was known was not included in their assessments. This new book provides a complete and extensive summary of all known research, including that published in Russian and Ukrainian, and provides new insights to the likely long term health and environmental consequences of nuclear accidents."

A reviewer:
"This great report has just been made available for free online. The authors and copyright holders have authorized the book to be made available for free in pdf format. Because the data is so important and relevant to the ongoing Japanese crisis, anybody wanting to learn more about the reality of Chernobyl absolutely must read this book!"

Full PDF book: [www.strahlentelex.de]

Why was the mortality increase unexpected?

At least some of the radiation poisoning can be avoided by using potassium iodide.
If you add the rest of the iodine protocol you can fix your arrhythmia too.


FUKUSHIMA: Public health Fallout from Japanese Quake
"Culture of cover-up" and inadequate cleanup. Japanese people exposed to "unconscionable" health risks

From Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2011-12-21

A "culture of cover-up" and inadequate cleanup efforts have combined to leave Japanese people exposed to "unconscionable" health risks nine months after last year’s meltdown of nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant, health experts say.

Although the Japanese government has declared the plant virtually stable, some experts are calling for evacuation of people from a wider area, which they say is contaminated with radioactive fallout.

They’re also calling for the Japanese government to reinstate internationally-approved radiation exposure limits for members of the public and are slagging government officials for “extreme lack of transparent, timely and comprehensive communication.”

(continue: [globalresearch.ca])

A "culture of cover-up" seems to also exist in U.S.A. and Canada, as the response to Fukushima was to turn off the airborne radiation monitoring stations.
I have not seen anything in the media about radiation poisoning, which is surely happening all over the northern hemisphere.

Quotes from Study: Fukushima Radiation Has Already Killed 14,000 Americans (Dec. 2011): (http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=28347)

Pediatrician Helen Caldicott, MD, said recently:

"May I say that North America has received quite a large fallout itself.

We’re going to see an incredible increase in cancer, leukemia, and — down the time track — genetic disease. Not just in Japan but in the Northern Hemisphere, particularly North America."

Caldicott also wrote in a New York Times Op-Ed:

"Children are innately sensitive to the carcinogenic effects of radiation, fetuses even more so. Like Chernobyl, the accident at Fukushima is of global proportions. Unusual levels of radiation have been discovered in British Columbia, along the West Coast and East Coast of the United States and in Europe, and heavy contamination has been found in oceanic waters."

Nuclear engineer Gunderson says that the Japanese will suffer one million cancer deaths from Fukushima, and that we’ll see a statistically meaningful increase in cancer on the West Coast of America and Canada from Fukushima. Gundersen says that - after Japan - the most radioactive areas are the Cascades and Portland.

There is certainly evidence that West Coast residents - especially in Seattle, Portland and other areas near the Cascades - have been hit with some radiation. And there is certainly evidence that radioactive contamination has spread in the United States, and will continue to spread for some time to come."


"Most Explosive Nuclear video yet by Arnie Gundersen on Fukushima"

Environment and Oceans and Nuclear Crisis in Japan and Radioactivity from Fukushima nuclear plant 2011.
Arnie Gundersen, Chief Nuclear Engineer, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
Most Explosive Nuclear video yet by Arnie Gundersen on Fukushima, radiation exposure, radioactive contamination, radioactive iodine, radioactivity, warning.

Video; [ascendingstarseed.wordpress.com]

To clarify: Arnie Gundersen is Chief Engineer of Fairwinds Associates.

Fukushima update videos: [fairewinds.com]

Re: US mortality increase folowing Fukushima nuclear radiation release
January 01, 2012 07:43AM

Jeffrey Dach, MD, explains, "there is no such thing as allergy to elemental Iodine." Know the difference.

Adverse Effects From Elemental Iodine
While there can be no "allergy" to Elemental Iodine, we observe various adverse reactions from elemental iodine in iodine-deficient people starting high doses. This has been well described, and can be easily avoided by starting with small doses of iodine and gradually increasing dosage over time.

Probably the most common report is a "metallic taste" in the mouth, which is harmless and merely means you are taking the "right stuff".

Another possible set of adverse reactions relates to the fact that the severely iodine deficient person may be Bromine toxic, and undergoes rapid Bromine excretion when starting the Iodine tablets. Bromine is irritating and the excretion can cause skin itching or rash, nausea and other symptoms.

This is usually transitory and is gone in a few days.
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