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Boron - essential mineral
December 13, 2011 04:49PM

Available from iHerb as Twinlab, Tri-Boron, 3 mg, 100 Capsules.

I hate taking pills/capsules, but will do this if it will help me walk again.

Re: Boron - essential mineral
December 15, 2011 10:32AM
William - are you hoping to address joint pain with Boron? Or what is it that limits your mobility?
Re: Boron - essential mineral
December 15, 2011 02:05PM
I don't have any pain, except the 15 minute ache when I get out of bed in the morning; all day ache when detoxing.
Joint mobility is OK, it's control of where my feet end up with every step that is a problem.

My symptoms seem to be different. Either I'm unique or using the wrong search terms.
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