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We all have a dose of radioactive iodine from Fukushima, so this seems appropriate.
Saturated Solution of Potassium Iodide (SSKI) is easily made form the crystals with distilled water; instructions on the wikipedia site.

From wikipedia, Potassium_iodide

In 1982, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved potassium iodide to protect thyroid glands from radioactive iodine involving accidents or fission emergencies. In an accidental event or attack on a nuclear power plant, or in nuclear bomb fallout, volatile fission product radionuclides may be released. Of these products, 131I is one of the most common and is particularly dangerous to the thyroid gland because it may lead to thyroid cancer. By saturating the body with a source of stable iodide prior to exposure, inhaled or ingested 131I tends to be excreted, which prevents radioiodine uptake by the thyroid. The protective effect of KI lasts approximately 24 hours. For optimal prophylaxis, KI must be dosed daily until a risk of significant exposure to radioiodine by either inhalation or ingestion no longer exists.

Emergency 130 milligrams potassium iodide doses provide 100 mg iodide (the other 30 mg is the potassium in the compound)


Each drop of SSKI gives 50 mg of iodine, and 16 mg of potassium.
My neighbor and close friend is an Operater at Beaver Valley #1 nuclear power plant near Pittsburgh.

After Fukishima he told me that they were picking up small readings from Japan, and that the plant supplies Iodine on a regular basis to protect thier wokers,

So I went to the store and bought some Sea Salt with Iodine, the cheap stuff. I think I was overdoing the salt.

I dont know if it had any effet, I had no Idea I had AFIB, but a few weeks later (May 20010) I had a stroke, 3 weeks before my 60tah birthday.

the hosital doctors told me to limit my Salt to 2 grams daily maxium.
that eliminates just about everything on the grocery store shelves..
My neighbor and close friend is an Operater at Beaver Valley #1 nuclear power plant near Pittsburgh.

After Fukishima he told me that they were picking up small readings from Japan, and that the plant supplies Iodine on a regular basis to protect thier wokers,

So I went to the store and bought some Sea Salt with Iodine, the cheap stuff. I think I was overdoing the salt.

I dont know if it had any effet, I had no Idea I had AFIB, but a few weeks later (May 20010) I had a stroke, 3 weeks before my 60tah birthday.

the hosital doctors told me to limit my Salt to 2 grams daily maxium.
that eliminates just about everything on the grocery store shelves..

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