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Question for William re Iodine
December 10, 2011 02:29AM
I'm glad you mentioned the detoxing effects you're getting from using the Iodine Protocol, William. It's not only me, then!

I've felt like I've got a bad cold for over two months now. This I accept as expected and even proof that it's working.

What is worrying me is the fast heartbeats, especially at night. Transient Hyperthyroidism is an expected effect but it doesn't seem to be easing for me and I've twice cut back on the amounts for a while to see if things would calm down. They do, although they don't stop altogether, and they increase again as I slowly build up the dose again.

I started very low and slowly increased the amount I take (of Lugol's iodine) but I've got nowhere near the recommended minimum amount of 12 mgs. The highest I've been able to get is 4.5 mgs.

My question, finally, is whether you're experiencing the same effects as I am.



Re: Question for William re Iodine
December 10, 2011 05:54AM
Sam - I experience a runny nose each time I increase my dosage until I adapt to it... that's called iodism and other symptoms of iodism include brassy taste in mouth and acne-like skin lesions which are caused by the bromide that iodine releases from tissues. I experience all three symptoms and consider it to be a 'detoxing' effect. I just drink extra water and proceed very slowly as I increase the size of the dose.

As I reported in the General Health Forum, my persistence is paying off with good dividends in that the thyroid nodules are diminishing in size.

Re: Question for William re Iodine
December 10, 2011 07:13AM
Sam . as Jackie noted slow and easy is the rule with apparent detox symptoms from iodine.

There are some people with genuine allergic reactions to Iodine as well, though relatively rare so persistent symptoms that don't improve over time at a similar dose might not all be true detox effects.

The theory is mostly Bromine toxicity, but that is still somewhat speculative, though it makes good sense and is very likely a major factor in most such reactions. For continued symptoms like a two month cold that doesn't resolve perhaps try lowering the dose and see if that helps and then very slowly increase in small steps as you can tolerate it.

Like with every substance, there are limits too on healthy dosing with iodine.
Re: Question for William re Iodine
December 10, 2011 10:51AM
Yes, Sam I'm experiencing the same effects for heartbeat - it varies during the same night from tachycardia to various kinds of arrhythmia and the good part is that it's all weak compared to the real thing, so I've also assumed that it's detox.

Instead of a cold, I have a burning sensation localized at the bottom of one lung.

I stopped all supplements for three days, and after two days I felt great; the constant mild euphoria re-asserted itself.
Back on the protocol today.

The salt push did not reduce detox symptoms for me, but it might for you, not sure about the shot of vit. C.

Re: Question for William re Iodine
December 12, 2011 07:24AM
Thanks for the replies Jackie & Shannon.

William; thanks for those details. I was a bit worried that I couldn't tolerate Iodine.

I have backed off for a few days to 1.75 mgs and the heart is calming down nicely. I'll shortly start increasing the amount slowly again (as I've done twice before).

I'd really like to hear how you get on. I suspect you're braver than me in "going for it"!

Re: Question for William re Iodine
December 12, 2011 08:20AM
Here's a heads-up on the iodine protocol. Although most people seem to tolerate large doses of iodine, some develop a condition called "iodine-induced hyperthyroidism" or "iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis," which can cause afib.
Re: Question for William re Iodine
December 12, 2011 09:09AM
Sam - Dr. Brownstein and his iodine cohorts all suggest that before beginning on a high-dose regimen of iodine, the patient should be tested.

Over four years ago, I was tested and found to be "slightly" low on iodine. My hindsight thought on that whole thing is that quite possibly, testing does not indicate what's actually stored in the high-requirement tissues...like breast, thyroid, prostate... and possibly only what is triggered for excretion by the challenge test.

My history of various problems indicative of iodine deficiency include, sialolith in submandibular gland, fibrocystic breast disease, goiteroid tissue with nodules, uterine fibroids and hypothyroidism...and not one @#%!** doctor ever suggested there might be an iodine deficiency even though I've lived in the Goiter Belt all my life....75 years!

I've found that over a period of 4+ years of ramping up dosing very slowly, I'm improving production of saliva... welcome change from dry mouth. Dry eyes are improving as well; thyroid function is improving insofar as my test numbers are in the normal range, but hypothyroid symptoms still are present. And I now require only small amounts of Armour Thyroid. It may well be that given the very long time I have been iodine deficient and hypothyroid (undiagnosed for years) that may take a very long time or maybe never to normalize completely. I just know that if I take too much in one dose, my nose runs like a faucet and that's not good.

It has not, however, stimulated my heart into AF and for that I'm grateful.

Just work at it slowly if you think you are iodine deficient.

Re: Question for William re Iodine
December 12, 2011 04:14PM
Jackie, what kind of iodine are you using?

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