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Iodine - Thyroid nodules
December 08, 2011 06:27AM
Happy to report this progress. I've had an enlarged thyroid (goiteroid tissue with nodules) for a number of years. (Discovered in '98 during a scan of an enlarged submandibular gland.) The nodules were then biopsied because of the concern they tend to eventually turn malignant. I have had a thyroid ultrasound annually since then to keep track of any changes.

Several years ago, I got on the Iodine supplementation bandwagon and began with microgram doses...at first just 1,000 mcg ...with my doctor's approval. The most significant change was a steady decrease in the amount of Armour thyroid hormone I required to keep the TSH at less than 2.0. I now take only 15 mg five days a week and the TSH is .5

No nodule changes were noted in the annual ultrasounds until a recent scan. The larger nodule had shrunk by a couple of millimeters and a small one had disappeared completely! Another remained unchanged. I thought I was given the formal writeup and was not, so I can't quote the exact measurements. I'll request a copy.

Since I could hardly contain my enthusiasm over the results, I had to share with the Endocrinologist why I was excited. I told her about my iodine experiement and while she looked skeptical (!!!!), she couldn't deny the facts that were right there on the computer monitor... comparing the previous and current u/s image.

I'm currently taking 6.25 mg of a mixed iodine supplement every other day... (Iodine (2.5 mg as molecular iodine, 2.5 mg as sodium iodide, and 1.25 mg as potassium iodide) 6.25 mg) and I once a week or so I paint on Iosol.... more than that gives me the uncomfortable metallic taste and skin lesions from the detoxing process. My plan is to be diligent in ramping up the dose so that by next year, perhaps more of the nodules will resolve. I've been told (by endocrinologists) that it's extremely difficult to reverse the nodules... but none of them ever tested my iodine levels or even suggested that I might be low....or acknowledged a connection. If I didn't need the ultrasound referral for monitoring, I wouldn't bother seeing one. My FM MD has helped me more than any of the specialists.

My Iodine awareness began after hearing several webinars on the topic of the need for supplemental iodine. I was hoping to find a solution to the hypothyroid symptoms that I still have even though all my numbers are in the range. Perhaps, as I reach a more optimal overall tissue level of iodine, those symptoms will resolve as well.

Stay tuned.

Hans Larsen
Re: Iodine - Thyroid nodules
December 08, 2011 09:13AM

Congratulations, that is great news. May I ask why you take 6.25 mg every second day instead of half that amount every day?

Re: Iodine - Thyroid nodules
December 08, 2011 02:26PM
Hans - just lazy. I dislike separating capsules and dumping out a guestimate of what's half a capsule, then fitting it back together. I'll just continue adding in another dose until I'm up to the 6.25 daily and then increase again from there depending on my tolerance and symptoms.
Re: Iodine - Thyroid nodules
December 10, 2011 04:33AM
Jackie - I've had the EXACT same experience. I had 4 little guys on one side and a bigger single on the other. I had one removed years ago, and the surgeon told me a year later when the others grew that he just wanted to take out my whole "lumpy" thyroid. I refused and eventually started on iodine. At my last U/S, I had only two little ones on one side and the big one on the other side was gone! The U/S tech, who used to work at an endocrinologist's office, also looked at my like I was crazy, but I don't care. :-)
Re: Iodine - Thyroid nodules
December 10, 2011 06:12AM
Darcy - thanks for sharing your experience. That gives me encouragement to persist. I was told early-on at the initial Dx that I'd undoubtedly have to have the thyroid removed. Having already lost more body parts than I ever wanted to experience, I just smiled and said I'd face that when the time came, but I had absolutely no intention of having my thyroid removed. In time, and as I can tolerate the iodine increases, I expect to see the nodules disappear completely.


Jackie winking smiley
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