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john McCee
Ultimate Heart Formula
October 29, 2011 09:26AM
Anyone try this stuff. It comes in a 2 OZ brown dropper bottle. A friend of mine buys it by phone, NO Website available. Its contains liquid COQ10, Natto and EDTA. take 20 drops twice a day, 10 minutes before meals, Claims to eliminate artery blockage, improve cholestrial levels, improve blood pressure levels, disolve blood clots, help get rid of chest pain and palpitations, normalize irregular heart beat.

Friend buys 12 bottles at a time, sells to me at $20.00 a bottle which lasts for 1 month. I really dont know if it works, but compared to others who have AFIB, my sympthons are mild,
john McDee
Re: Ultimate Heart Formula
December 18, 2011 10:52AM
I am runnning out of my U.H. F. liquiid vitamin suppliment.

I visited the local health store. They are selling liquid CoQ10, a 30 day supply is $45.00.

I guess no one here ever heard of U.H.F.
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