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Murder By Injection: The Medical Conspiracy Against America by Eustace Mullins.

Book review: (http://curezone.com/art/read.asp?ID=16&db=3&C0=1)

This book is a truly thorough account of the machinations underlying America´s steadily deteriorating health, and is the result of some forty years of investigative research by the author Eustace Mullins. MURDER BY INJECTION reinforces and adds further light to the devastating exposés, WORLD WITHOUT CANCER by G. Edward Griffin, THE DRUG STORY by Morris Bealle, and Hans Ruesch´s NAKED EMPRESS OR THE GREAT MEDICAL FRAUD.

MURDER BY INJECTION explains how the ruthless Rockefeller Syndicate - under the control of the world financial structure, chiefly the Rothschilds - plays the major political, health and educational roles in America. The book describes the various arms of the Rockefeller Syndicate and their functions: the Rockefeller Oil Trust, which incorporates much of the American military-industrial complex, has political control of the nation; the Rockefeller Medical Monopoly attains control of health care of America; and the Rockefeller Foundation, a web of affiliated tax exempt creations, effectively controls education.

Mullins specifies names throughout the book, many of them belonging to familiar public figures in America. Companies and their board of directors are listed with all their connections.

Eustace Mullins says that in 1987 the United States still maintains an overwhelming lead in the production and sale of drugs. Eleven of the eighteen leading firms are located in the United States and the Drug Trust in the United States is controlled by the Rockefeller group. Mullins adds: The major banks, defense firms, and prominent political figures interlock with the CIA and the drug firms. He further states that the Rockefeller interests, having established the American Drug Trust, had long been active not only in pharmaceutical drugs but in illegal drugs as well. Mullins writes: No chronical of the world´s important drug firms would be complete without relating the connection between drug firms and the world drug operation known as ´Dope, Inc.´.

Mullins describes how the Rockefellers with the help of the American Medical Association and government officials gained control of America´s health care industry in the early part of this century. Educating medical students was instrumental in their plan, Mullins writes: Rockefeller´s Education Board has spent more than $100 million to gain control of the nation´s medical schools and turn our physicians to physicians of the allopathic school, dedicated to surgery and the heavy use of drugs.

MURDER BY INJECTION describes in detail the many other dangerous and lucrative rackets that the Rockefeller Syndicate has foistered onto the unsuspecting public and which are responsible for the contamination of our land, oceans and rivers, our water and food supplies, and our bodies. For example Mullins writes: While conducting wars of attrition against the leading exponents of better nutrition, the Food and Drug Administration and the American Medical Association have valiantly defended the use of chemical fertilizers... (which, according to Dr Alexis Carrel) ´without replacing all the exhausted elements of the soil, have indirectly contributed to change the nutritive value of cereal grains and vegetables.´

On vaccinations: After the use of cowpox vaccine became widespread in England, a smallpox epidemic broke out which killed 22,081 people. The smallpox epidemics became worse each year that the vaccine was used. In 1872, 44,480 people were killed by it. England finally banned the vaccine in 1948, despite the fact that it was one of the most widely heralded ´contributions´ which that country had made to modern medicine. This action came after many years of compulsory vaccination, during which period those who refused to submit to its dangers were hurried off to jail.

On fluoridation: What he [Oscar Ewing] wanted, and what he had been paid to bring about, was the national fluoridation of our drinking water... At the same time, Congressmen and other politicians in Washington were privately alerted by Ewing´s minions that they should be careful about ingesting the fluoridated water. Supplies of bottled water from mountain springs then appeared in every office on Capitol Hill; these have been maintained continuously ever since, at the taxpayers´ expense.

On the consequences of the Rockefellers´ control: The criminal syndicalists are now looting the American nation of one trillion dollars each year, of which about one-third, more than three hundred billion dollars per year, represents the profitable depredations of the Drug Trust and its medical subsidiaries...

America became the greatest and most productive nation in the world. When the Rockefeller Syndicate began its takeover of our medical profession in 1910, our citizens went into a sharp decline. Today, we suffer from a host of debilitating ailments, both mental and physical, nearly all of which can be traced directly to the operations of the chemical and drug monopoly, and which pose the greatest threat to our continued existence as a nation.

Although the book mainly deals with America, the situations described by Mullins in many respects equally applies to Australia, as in most other countries. The immense damning evidence that he presents makes MURDER BY INJECTION essential reading for those who are serious about understanding the true reasons behind our ailing health.

Published by the National Council for Medical Research in 1988. Hard-cover, 348 pages.

Steve J., founder of Apple, when he found out that he had pancreatic cancer treated it with natural methods for about 9 months, didn't help, in fact worsened his condition, he then went to the medical community. Natural methods and vitamins aren't the save all either, I believe in both.

Just like people on this board, some have tried natural methods some have reported some success, lots have gone to an ablation and partaken of the dreaded medical expertise and are happy for having done so.

Murder by Injection The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America [Hardcover] 3rd printing '95

A reviewer writes:

This is a very fine book. Eustace Mullins is an expert researcher. Previous to this book he was the FIRST person to reveal the true nature of the Federal Reserve (which has nothing to do with Federal). In this book he details the history of how control of the medicinal market has been won by the FDA and the AMA (and similar organizations in other Nations), and how the healing of citizens has been put in the hands of the Government rather than in the hands of the citizens themselves. Their choices for treatment have been downsized to that of Allopathic medicine, a way of trreatment that is relatively new, only a few hundred years old, if at that, as compared to medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years. This book details the methods used by the Rockefellers to control the medicinal market to their advantage. It also guarantees a level of population control....read on! You will be surprised!

Steve J., founder of Apple, didn't try anything that is known to cure cancer.
Vegans doom themselves.

Do you have any peer-reviewed medical references to the effect that vegetarians/vegans have higher cancer rates than do meat-eaters except perhaps in the case of colon cancer?

Here are some references claiming the opposite:




As a vegetarian making my way toward vegan, I want to thank you for this information and for all you do for those of us who come to this forum to learn.
Yes Hans, many thanks!

I share in Hesh Goldstein's awareness of life's sacredness. He certainly seems to thrive in great health as a vegetarian:

"If it had a face and a mother or if man made it don't eat it"

"If slaughterhouses had windows, everyone would be vegetarian"


From Hesh Goldstein's 'suggested readings' page - [www.healthtalkhawaii.com]:

"When I became a vegetarian in 1975 I had a feeling that a world of literature would open up to me that I never knew existed. Looking back, I wish that I had a dollar for every book that I read throughout the years. Well, maybe a dollar at the 1975 worth rather than its current market worth. It certainly would have bought more back then. Rather than list the hundreds of books that I’ve read, I would like to offer to you what I feel is the “cream of the crop.”

Believe me when I tell you if you read these books it will have a profound effect upon you and it will have an immense effect on your food choices and how you view your lifestyle. It will make you think twice and really get ticked off at how you were conditioned by the hookers that were serving the pimps who underhandedly deceived your grandparents, your parents and ultimately, you."

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