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Elizabeth H.
vegetarian diet can kill
October 07, 2011 11:50AM

****, a brilliant invovater, was a very strict vegan. My brother as well was a vegetarian, he has prostate cancer, he is eating eggs and salmon, tuna now, I know canned tuna has mercury, nothing I can do.

Re: vegetarian diet can kill
October 11, 2011 12:19PM

Isn't there some confusion here about the difference between a diet based on simple carbs as opposed to one based on complex carbs?

Elizabeth H.
Re: vegetarian diet can kill
October 11, 2011 05:13PM

I don't know the kind of Vegan diet that Steve Jxxs was on, it is just so strange. I always thought my brother would have excellent health due to his diet, which lots of people think is good, maybe as far as heart health is concerned a veggie diet is good, but what happens to the rest of the body, that is what I see has happened to him.

I don't know the answer Carol, there are a lot of doctors and gurus out there that have the answers, but they really aren't. I just believe that we need good food, lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts, good protein, beans and some wheat products. I also don't believe in taking a lot of supplements, get your vitamins from food, I do take some supplements but don't go overboard.

Re: vegetarian diet can kill
October 11, 2011 07:35PM

When I tested oatmeal that I made (rolled) myself from whole oats, it spiked my blood sugar just as surely as refined carbs, but maybe a bit slower.

Eating a long term whole foods veg (20 years) diet, my blood lipid metrics were wonderful. However my blood sugar metrics were less than stellar. It led me to change my approach.

Re: vegetarian diet can kill
October 12, 2011 04:50AM
Liz - it's known that those on vegetarian diets are woefully low in the important B vitamins that facilitate methylation. If you don't methylate, you're in big trouble either sooner or else, eventually. Just as George comments on the glucose/insulin involvement, it can be a significant complication for some biochemistries....if not short term, then definitely long-term because of the influence on the brain and all that is now known about Alzheimers... as just one example.

There is no way to know for sure if Steve J's diet influence the development of his cancer or not since there are so many factors to consider, not the least of which is genetics.

A person I know has a son (38) who developed liver cancer 2 years ago. They removed 2/3 of his liver and it has regenerated. After chemo treatments, he was all clear until just now and more spots are evident. Tragically, just now, his father who is early 60's fell ill and they are testing and reviewing a liver involvement and possibly a genetic pancreatic cancer link. Not so coincidentally, the grandfather died at age 80 with pancreatic cancer.... so it can be a gene flaw that expresses early in some; latent in others. Diet might influence it, but unless the flaw is identified, it's difficult to know how to suppress the expression which is the whole key.

Re: vegetarian diet can kill
October 16, 2011 05:55PM
"maybe as far as heart health is concerned a veggie diet is good"

Not for me. Occasional arrhythmias ended for good when I stopped eating veggies.
A piece of fruit is OK, but "vegetables, fruits, nuts, good protein, beans and some wheat products" would kill me.

To have an arrhythmia now I must take too many stupid pills.

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