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Nel Weaver
health weight gain
June 06, 2011 05:22PM
Does anyone have a clue as to how I can gain my weight back? I've lost at least 15 lbs. and I really didn't need that..I'm taking ensure, but I think there may be a drink out there that would put the weight on me..I'm afraid to eat fatty things. Really hard to know what to eat....
Jackie, or anyone, do you have a sollution?
Re: health weight gain
June 07, 2011 11:38AM
Nel - most likely, the key to gaining weight is eating enough food and more frequently than just 3 meals a day... often it's recommended that eating 5 or 6 small meals is a better plan. There is nothing wrong with eating healthy fat...in fact, it's important. You also need ample high-quality protein so each meal and snack should contain some. If you want to share a typical day's food consumption with us, we can attempt to steer you toward a healthy higher caloric intake that might lead to a bit of weight gain. There could be a complication with an over-active thyroid that prevents you from gaining. Have you had your thyroid evaluated?

Nel Weaver
Re: health weight gain
June 08, 2011 12:43PM
I think I eat regular meals.
Breakfast...waffle, or pancake and a couple of days a wk. egg and toast..
Ensure also a sip probiotic yogart drink.
Lunch. a sandwich of turkey, tomatoes and avocado, or blt, tuna and tomatoes, more avocado..(ate more when I ate out)
friut off and on all day...and snack on dark chocolate with almonds and ensure.
Dinner..chicken, fish, and some beef, veggies, a starch and salad..
That's about it...a cookie once in a while and pizza sometime and pasta..the usual...
I'm almost off this walker, so maybe moving around more and going out I'll gain..you think? Thanks.....Nel
Re: health weight gain
June 08, 2011 09:30PM
I really encourage you to move around more and go out as this will help a lot of things.

I agree with the more meals. Your breakfast seems small. Try and get at least two of the following each meal: Protien, carbs, fat.

You could add peanut butter or cheese to your breakfast.

It sounds strange but eating a potato or sweet potato is a very friendly way to get some extra sugar in the system.

Cottage Cheese and Greek Yogurt would be good if you can handle dairy.
Re: health weight gain
June 09, 2011 05:38AM
Hi Nel – thanks for taking the time to post a typical food intake. What I see is that at least you aren’t on a tea and toast diet which is good, but I do have concerns about the Ensure you are using in that it has abundant sugar (16 grams which is 4 teaspoons) and little nutrient value plus quite a few chemical additives.and the unhealthy oils. I realize it is convenient and it does have some protein (13 grams) from soy and depending on the version, whey protein isolate. So, in a pinch, it can be handy but not necessarily healthy but better than nothing at all.

I’d rather see you eat two eggs every day for breakfast with either half or a whole orange, more protein and a lot more vegetables. I realize your ability to get around is restrictive and I do hope you gradually get back to fully functional and quite possibly, this will improve your appetite and help rebuild muscle. But, you do need quality protein to build muscle.

Healthy snacks: Fresh fruit and raw nuts such as walnuts and almonds, raw veggies.
Protein – all types of lean meat including beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, wild fish, eggs, dairy if you eat it.
Healthy fats… olive oil on salads; liquid Omega 3 fish oils, butter, coconut oil

Just for information, I found two versions of ingredients as labeled for Ensure… Not sure which you have, but I’m fairly confident, the sugar content is similar.

Ensure Plus:
Water, Corn Syrup, Maltodextrin Corn, Sodium And Calcium Caseinates, Sugar Sucrose, Canola Oil, Corn Oil, High-Oleic Safflower Oil, Soy Protein Isolate, Soy Lecithin, Natural And Artificial Flavors, Carrageenan, FD&C Red No. 3, FD&C Yellow No. 6, FD&C Blue No. 1. Vitamins & Minerals: Magnesium Chloride, Potassium Citrate, Calcium Phosphate Tribasic, Potassium Chloride, Sodium Citrate, Magnesium Phosphate Dibasic, Choline Chloride, Ascorbic Acid, Ferrous Sulfate, Alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate, Zinc Sulfate, Niacinamide, Calcium Pantothenate, Manganese Sulfate, Cupric Sulfate, Vitamin A Palmitate, Thiamine Chloride Hydrochloride, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Folic Acid, Chromium Chloride, Biotin, Sodium Molybdate, Sodium Selenate, Potassium Iodide, Phylloquinone, Vitamin D3, Cyanocobalamin

Water, sugar (sucrose), corn syrup, maltodextrin (corn), calcium caseinate, high-oleic safflower oil, canola oil, soy protein isolate, whey protein concentrate, corn oil, calcium phosphate tribasic, potassium citrate, magnesium phosphate dibasic, natural and artificial flavor, soy lecithin, sodium citrate, magnesium chloride, salt (sodium chloride), carrageenan, choline chloride, potassium chloride, ascorbic acid, ferrous sulfate, alpha-tocopheryl acetate, zinc sulfate, niacinamide, calcium pantothenate, manganese sulfate, cupric sulfate, vitamin A palmitate, thiamine chloride hydrochloride, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, folic acid, chromium chloride, biotin, sodium molybdate, sodium selenate, potassium iodide, phylloquinone, vitamin D3 and cyanocobalamin.


Nel Weaver
Re: health weight gain
June 09, 2011 03:23PM
I was drinking the Nutrition shake,ensure, but thought I would get the plus instead..maybe not? that doesn't sound very good for you..hard to beleave they could push something like that on older adults..
I do eat cheese, and have had a couple of milk shakes in the last 2 wks..
I like peanut butter on celery and with bananas in a sandwich..I eat caschews, I love..got to eat more...I didn't know if it was good on the heart to eat that many eggs..even though I take pills for cholestrol, I could live on eggs..maybe one everyday with my waffle, pancake or toast..I don't know about the peanut butter for breakfast, I could put cheese in my eggs.
I do use olive oil..eat veggies, but not many raw ones..I eat lot of melons, mangos, kiwis, cherries when I can get them. grapes until I get tired of them, but I'm not much for oranges. The acid doesn't seem to agree with me..I'll check into the soy..
I'm doing some walking without my walker now, the therapist seems to think I'll go from the walker to walking, no cane..I forget and walk across the room sometimes...scary..but I'll make it.....thanks you guys much.....Nel
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