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Bummed out
June 10, 2011 05:40AM
I am really down this AM. I got my lipoprotein report yesterday, and with all of my diliginence about the C and lysine. Plus following the protocal for afib. My values were not better, the LP [a] was a little worse.

Well, such is life, I'll have to re evaluate my supplements and life style.

I want to mention I am on the 'puter alot and read lots of blogs about afib and cardio sruff. And this without a doubt is the BEST site for info. The BB literally saved my life or at least an ablation as I had afib daily for a year then found this site. I started the Trio and Wa-la the afib had been gone for 5 months now.

Thank you all for the wonderful info and answering all the questions that people ask, I have learned alot and have shared with my primary Doc, he has taken courses in supplements and nutrition, and is very impressed with my progress with the afib.


Re: Bummed out
June 10, 2011 09:08AM

Don't know/remember your protocol.

So here is a thought. Eat to keep blood sugar(BS) in the normal range all the time (normal = 60 to 85 mg/dL).

As a way to gather data, get a glucometer. A Bayer Ascensia Contour has reasonable accuracy for a home glucometer (some don't). Measure 45 minutes after eating and also before you eat anything in the morning. Change your diet to move the values to the normal range.

Since you presumably aren't diabetic, you don't need to sample all the time. Only to answer the question, "how will my body react to this meal."

Suggested references:

Rosedale book [www.drrosedale.com]

Richard Bernstein's Diabetes book: [www.diabetes-book.com]

Dr. Phinney is an MD & PhD ketogenic diet researcher here is an interview:
and a paper.

Phinney is a co-author of a book I've not read:
New Atkins for a New You: The Ultimate Diet for Shedding Weight and Feeling Great. [Paperback] Eric C. Westman (Author), Stephen D. Phinney

I coached my wife on changing her profile and it did work well. She wasn't extremely strict, but made her BS much less spikey. This was enough in her case to change her VAP test and Lp(a). My wife did not lose weight, nor did she need to at 125#'s and 5'10".

Another female friend weighed 170#s at 5'4". Following this approach, and as an ovo/lacto vegetarian (difficult), dropped to 130#'s over a year. Her blood work at the end was stellar.

The above friend is not an afibber, but a WPW ablatee prone to bigeminal PAC rhythms. WPW's are prone to get afib. Her PAC's are adrenergically triggered (during exercise).

She has minimized the PAC's by supplementing with Mg to bowel tolerance, adding in K and taurine. Also, she correlates the PACs being triggered by not following the normal blood sugar protocol. When she spikes her BS her PAC's come on like gangbusters. She assumes this is because of the electrolyte spiking caused by insulin spking.

Re: Bummed out
June 10, 2011 11:01AM
thanks George,

The reference to Dr. Bernstien was right on.

I am not diabetic or overweight, but the LP[a] is genetic and I just am not sure where to go from here. I do low carb, high protein.

That sounds like a good way to see how the food is affecting my body. I will get a glucometer.

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