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Cardia Salt
June 09, 2011 02:25PM
Does anyone know where I can purchase cardia salt?

Thanks for your help.
Re: Cardia Salt
June 09, 2011 04:06PM

Carida Salt
Serving Size: 1/8 tsp Amount per Serving
Magnesium 6.5mg
Potassium 88mg
Sodium 134.5mg

So, one could get the ingredients:

MgCl2 [www.naturalimport.com] about 12% Mg by weight

KCl [www.iherb.com] 39.1/74.6 = 52.4% K

NaCl - your local store 22.99/58.44=39.3% Na

So, using a milligram scale, I'd weigh out these in the following ratio, depending upon how much I wanted to make:

Mg 6.50/.12 = 54.1 mg
K 88/ .524 = 167.9 mg
Na 134.5/.393 = 342.2 mg

Mulitply by 1000 (or whatever)

Mg 6.50/.12 = 54.1 g
K 88/ .524 = 167.9 g
Na 134.5/.393 = 342.2 g

Voila Cardia Salt

I'd probably ditch most of the Na, but you didn't ask about that.

Re: Cardia Salt
June 09, 2011 04:22PM

Thank you for speedy response!
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