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Meat Glue?
May 01, 2011 05:45AM
You may have already 'enjoyed' this food additive.

This video clip is worth viewing as an awareness of what you might be buying for meat as well as the safety of cooking 'rare'...

Eye opening.


Re: Meat Glue?
May 01, 2011 03:24PM
Hi Jackie,
I never knew about this stuff. No wonder it was "all you could eat" on the cruise my wife and I took a few weeks ago. I toured the galley and the butcher areas of the ship but didn't see any meat glue but I'll bet that all those delicious fillets were a little suspect. It is truly amazing when you think about all the other foods we eat that could have "dirty" little secrets lurking.

Re: Meat Glue?
May 03, 2011 04:47AM
Oh Yummy! What will they think of next!! NOoo don't tell me!!

lisa s
Re: Meat Glue?
May 03, 2011 05:31AM
I think the part that scares me isn't so much the chemical make up of the stuff, which is probably bad enough, but that it puts bacteria inside, just like ground beef. All that formerly outside surface on the inside makes it imperative to cook well. At least with ground meat, it is obvious, but with this stuff a well-reconstructed piece is undetectable.

Certified Kosher is looking better and better!


Elizabeth H.
Re: Meat Glue?
May 03, 2011 07:57AM
This clip is from Gr. Britian, they are evidently in Queensland----jackie do you know if this is being done here in the U.S., you post as though this is also being sold here.

Elizabeth H.
Re: Meat Glue?
May 03, 2011 07:59AM
Sorry, not Gr. Britian, Queensland is in Austraila, at least it apparently isn't being done here.

lisa s
Re: Meat Glue?
May 03, 2011 10:12AM
Sounds like it is still legal here, which means it is happening. :-(


Transglutaminase. Is this more free glutamate in other clothing?


Elizabeth H.
Re: Meat Glue?
May 03, 2011 11:19AM

Thank you, that is bad, steak is expensive but paying for glued meat is out of line. I wonder if Whole foods and fresh market are selling this type of meat, they are more expensive than regular grocery stores, so hopefully they are not.

lisa s
Re: Meat Glue?
May 03, 2011 04:10PM

The question is: how to tell?, can they be trusted to tell the truth?, do their sources tell them the truth?


Re: Meat Glue?
May 04, 2011 04:45AM
I only know what's in the clip, but importing meat products are very common practice in the US. Possibly, some restaurants would buy this type food since it's obviously more economical.

Re: Meat Glue?
May 09, 2011 08:23AM
If you think meat glue is bad wait until you google pink slime!!
lisa s
Re: Meat Glue?
May 09, 2011 02:07PM
I'm afraid to!


Murray L.
Re: Meat Glue?
May 21, 2011 11:11AM
Now what you want to do is to see how they ship 'fresh' chicken to your store and why we tend to look for vacuum packed fast frozen fresh chicken (no messing around with it).

Your 'fresh chicken' is often shipped using a plastic barrel without drainage and is not FAST frozen but frozen for transport. When the top of the barrel (garbage can) is opened you have to have a VERY strong tummy in order to not toss your biscuits.

The chicken is given a quick rinse, put through the weighing/pricing/packaging machine and onto the shelves (ever notice on occasion some chicken is still a bit frozen? That's the sign that chicken was moving well and the shelves and reserves were depleted and the incoming frozen stuff was being shelved as soon as possible).

How do I know? Don't ask. I know. I have seen it with my own eyes and smelled it. A fellow store worker suggested I put a small dab of Vick's Vaporub under my nose to kill the smell.

Maybe things have changed but that was some years ago.
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