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Milk, yogurt .oats ,wheat germ et cetera?
April 24, 2011 09:30PM
Thanks for the replies about canned fish . I will now eat with less guilt.

Milk generally doesn't get a good rap. But what about yogurt, whether from normal milk or skim milk?

Are there any benefits?

Oatmeal, raw wheat germ ,oat bran and similar. Not part of the paleo diet but okay if not lots?



Re: Milk, yogurt .oats ,wheat germ et cetera?
April 25, 2011 05:02AM
Alex - Paleo eating eliminates grains and dairy.... these elements are typically what causes inflammation in sensitive individuals. Inflammation drives AF. There are also many other symptoms of sensitivity to the gluten proteins in wheat and dairy. Oats do not normally contain gluten but are found to be easily and reliably contaminated during harvesting and processing due to shared equipment. Even oat products labeled as Gluten Free from GF facilities test as being contaminated.

If you do have a sensitivity (testing for antibodies), then any amount is taboo.

Are you asking because you do eat these, want to eat these, eat these and have reactions? Still have AF?

Elizabeth H.
Re: Milk, yogurt .oats ,wheat germ et cetera?
April 25, 2011 01:09PM

If you don't have celiac disease, why can't you eat oats, yogurt, the Paleo diet is circulating around, just one of the many diets that will come and go, in my opinion. I will get slamed, but thats ok.

Re: Milk, yogurt .oats ,wheat germ et cetera?
April 26, 2011 04:18AM
Liz - there are two different reactions to gluten and even casein in some cases... one is celiac (gluten) and one is the gluten-sensitivity issue.

Paleo eating has been around for a very long time...it's not a fad. If your body makes antibodies to food protein molecules, it's very damaging and manifests in a myriad of health conditions, may of which are not recognized as coming from that source.

I have a report on this topic sitting half done on my computer. Eventually, I'll post it in an attempt to clarify the misunderstanding about the difference between celiac and gluten sensitivity.

Re: Milk, yogurt .oats ,wheat germ et cetera?
April 26, 2011 02:18PM
Jackie, I have no problems of sensitivity that I know of, gluten or otherwise and no afib currently My partner tells me I'm not as sensitive as she, but she is referring to emotion.

I eat yoghurt, oats wheat germ etc in small quantities.

I believe in averaging. No big quantities of anything apart from a wide variety of vegetables and fruit . But everything does not include food that is not considered healthy by one informed group or another


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